Just me or the game is really difficult?



Firstly, amazing job. I'm in awe at how peopel can pull off such mods on their spare time. The game is beautiful, the briefings and the coms are wonderful. It feels so real. Congratulations again.

I noticed that the game is rather difficult however, even on the veteran level. I don't know if it's because I haven't played any wing commander games in god knows how long, but I'm unable to get past the third mission (Defend the jump point mission). I just get eaten up within a minute no matter what I try.

I'm unsure if anyone had problems like I do, I've tried all day and I'm frustrated. I tried searching the forums but to no avail. Is there any suggestion as to how to overcome this overwhelming odds? I realise they're merely talons but, wow, do they ever do a number on my ship.

Unregistered said:
Firstly, amazing job. I'm in awe at how peopel can pull off such mods on their spare time. The game is beautiful, the briefings and the coms are wonderful. It feels so real. Congratulations again.

I noticed that the game is rather difficult however, even on the veteran level. I don't know if it's because I haven't played any wing commander games in god knows how long, but I'm unable to get past the third mission (Defend the jump point mission). I just get eaten up within a minute no matter what I try.

I'm unsure if anyone had problems like I do, I've tried all day and I'm frustrated. I tried searching the forums but to no avail. Is there any suggestion as to how to overcome this overwhelming odds? I realise they're merely talons but, wow, do they ever do a number on my ship.

This game is really unforgiving in the earlier missions. Note that as you lower difficulty your wingmen become less and less intelligent. Try to scale the difficulty to how many wingmen you have left.
In the beginning you are forced to make the most of what ships you have at hand...the nav map and ordering your wingmen to help you in downing ships is essential...and given the time period in which Standoff takes place the missions should be hard as confed has been sitting on its hands for almost a year and is a little out of shape...
I suppose you`re right. I didn't know I could order wingmen around via the navmap. I'll give it a few more shots, I just hope I don't get stuck on a mission forever.

Thanks guys.
I'm not sure I'm remembering this right, but I think Quarto said something about the ships you have available carrying over from mission to mission, so if your bomber squadron (for example) gets destroyed on one mission, they aren't available in the next... so replaying the earlier missions might be the key.
That is why we have that "number of ships left" emails in just about every mission, you know.
Now I'm even more impressed. Although difficult, I love this game.
Strangely, I've never felt the need to use the nav map, except for the in the UE mission that forced you to. I always just burned in, weapons blazing, chasing torpedos whenever they showed up, going after the bombers whenever possible.
Another thing to remember is that ships in Standoff are generally more fragile (and enemies more deadly) than in the latter WC games (WCP, Secret Ops)... so it takes some getting used to. There's no shame in being a bit combat-avoidant in missions where you're having a hard time at first. :p
Eder said:
Another thing to remember is that ships in Standoff are generally more fragile (and enemies more deadly) than in the latter WC games (WCP, Secret Ops)... so it takes some getting used to. There's no shame in being a bit combat-avoidant in missions where you're having a hard time at first. :p
Well, I'm just made for Standoff cause I can dodge shots really good! :p

I found that using a joystick is much easier than keyboards so if you are missing that vital piece of equipment it might be wise to invest in one (even though this expensive logitech I bought has given me loads of calibration problems). As for dodging shots a lot of damage can be taken if you charge your enemy face to face. In a Stiletto that is a really bad idea. So play to your ships strengths (which is good velocity and maneouverability) and your enemies weaknesses. If your being shot at turn about 30 degrees and afterburn for a few seconds. That always gets me out of trouble than latch onto some pirates ass and nail them.

I also found that sometimes it can be good to use most of your missiles up during the start of the big battles to lower the odds against you (which gives you and your wingmen a higher survival rate). But there are many missions where saving your missiles until you need them is important so its good to get a feel of the entire mission so you can ration your resources accordingly.

Hope that helps
I realise not having a joystick really makes *every* wing commander game that much harder. Wish they had freelancer mouse controls over the keyboard cause Ugh... I couldn't dodge a scimitar if my life depended on it.
RATM said:
I realise not having a joystick really makes *every* wing commander game that much harder. Wish they had freelancer mouse controls over the keyboard cause Ugh... I couldn't dodge a scimitar if my life depended on it.
I actually played with the mouse for a while. All it takes is practice. I mean if someone can play it good on the NES... :p
Lt.Death100 said:
I actually played with the mouse for a while. All it takes is practice. I mean if someone can play it good on the NES... :p
I play with the mouse all the time - a joystick is definitely better once you get the hang of it, but the mouse is a lot easier.

...And no, I don't think anybody can play Standoff well on the NES :D.
Lt.Death100 said:
I actually played with the mouse for a while. All it takes is practice. I mean if someone can play it good on the NES... :p

The Super NES controls for WC games were very good. I'd take those over the mouse.
SNES WC was awesome. Cept no mater how long you afterburned towards a fighter, it would never get closer (or further) it would stay there facing you just out of range.

That and asteroids and mines were insta-kills. But you only needed to avoid one object per screen.