Judgement day as of 1-25-02


Rear Admiral
Just then Ginger comes in and starts up the morning breakfasts and notices that Stunner and Dragoon are talking and both look upset, so she comes over and asks what is wrong. "Oh just a bit of family trouble." replies Stunner. "Alright but remember I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY fighting in my bar damn it. Got it?!" "Yes Ginger we get it." both answer. "Jake why does Ginger care for me so much, I mean I know we are close but I mean is there something there that I should know about?" "Well....." "Jake come on damn it just tell me!" "Yes Ginger still cares for you alot I mean alot!" "Why hasen't anyone told me? I mean I could sense that she cared for me in a different way then the rest of you but I couldn't put my finger on it." "Well she is scared alot to, not so much of you but not of you." "What do you mean?" "Well she is afraid of you leaving her, just wanting sex, and not returning from a mission. In laymens terms she is afraid of getting with you and then you die or cheat on her or just straight up leave her for someone else." "Oh jeez Jake what am I gonna do?" "JUST CHILL OUT ABOUT IT!" So they go on and enjoy their drinks and watch some of the crew come in for breakfast.

All of the sudden a distress signal form a Borderworlds durango class carrier and it's escorts of a murphey destroyer and an ajax cruiser that it is under attack by a 3 old Ajax class pirate cruisers and 2 murphey destroyers is received by Suzy-Q's wing while on patrol. Suzy-Q then receives orders to investigate and Pimp Daddy's wing is also being sent to help in Vampires and Suzy-Q's wing is to go on ahead to the location and assist and investigate if able to. So Pimp Daddy, Diva, and Margar get into their space suits and get to their ships and head out to the location of the distress signal.

At the location of the Borderworlds carrier group the ajax and murphey are concentrating their fire on the other murphey destroyers while the durango class makes strafing attacks at the ajax cruisers. After a couple of minutes Suzy-Q's wing comes into the area just as one of the pirate cruisers is destroyed by the durango class and suprisingly has only taken minimal damage. As for the Borderworld cruiser and destroyer, the cruiser has taken severe damage and the destroyer's bridge has been destroyed but other than that both are still fighting. On of the pirate destroyers was severly damaged, another's engines were destroyed, the other destroyer has only taken minimal damage, and both of the other pirate cruisers have only taken minimal damage.

Suzy-Q orders The Free one and Smallfry to concentrate on the other 2 pirate cruisers while she concentrates on helping to take out the hevily damaged destroyer. So they break, The Free one takes one cruiser, Smallfry takes another and Suzy-Q takes the hevily damaged destroyer. After a minute or 2 of fighting Pimp Daddy's wing shows up. Pimp Daddy orders Diva and Margar to concentrate on the mimally damaged destroyer while he helps with the imobilized destroyer. Just then the borderworlds cruiser looses weapons so her captain desides to ram the minimally damaged destroyer. Diva notices what the cruiser is about to do and fires a few shots and turns around and afterburns away twards the imobilized destroyer but Margar is on the opposite side and doesnt see what is about to happen and sits just close enough to avoid the rear turrets and blast away at the rear shields and engines. Just as the cruiser is about to ram the destroyer Diva sends Margar a comm to turn around and get the hell out of there......but it is too late.

Margar is caught in the backwash of the explosion and is destoryed. Pimp Daddy, Diva destroy the imobilized destroyer out of revenge on the pirates for being part of the reason Margaret is dead. The free one and Smallfry mandage to cripple the last 2 cruiers and the durango helps finish them off. Suzy-Q afterburns away from the last destroyer and sends a comm to the rest of the piolts asking if they wanted to all take out the last one. The agreed and formed a flying wedge and all fired at the last destroyer at the same time and destroyed it.