Is the game still in development?

No, not cancelled.
But we moved to sourceforge forums, so unless it's from non-devs, there won't be any activity here - at least, I don't know anyone visiting this forum regularly.

And we're in heavy development too... lots of new features, although, unfortunately, a little unstable too. Soon we'll have WCU stable again, and it will be quite an experience.
I'd like to know why spiritplumber was banned.

Just banning her, telling people to shut up and closing the thread ( ) without telling anybody (not even spiritplumber herself) why she was banned seems more like mobbing her than anything else... Maybe, you mighty banning forum people, you could tell us your version... a lot of people in the WCU and Privateer remake forum ( BTW: ) start to think really bad of you guys and you, just not saying anything, doesn't make you look any better!!!
Tell me LOAF, why is spiritplumber banned?

Oh, good, another mysterious account with exactly one post that's here to pick a fight about nothing.

Your loyalty to the creepiest person the group has seen in a long time is admirable, however misplaced... but you really have nothing to do with this community. You're some Vega Strike lunix junkie who decided to come pick a fight.

Here's a wake up call: nobody who cares is mourning Spiritplumber's passing. Get me a Quarto or a Halman or a majorstriker or even a Delance -- someone who is part of this group -- to complain about a banning and I'll happily discuss it with them (under rule 9) and reconsider it if they're right (well, I would have, it's not really in my hands anymore).

To prove my point, though, I will explain once again why Spiritplumber is banned -- and you will either get angry and be offended or you'll just never post to the CZ again.

Spiritplumber has been banned twice for spamming "WCU" in regular forums threads, going so far as to bring back two year old threads that can be tangentally related to WCU (oh, you're talking about the Kamekh? We'd like to have that in WCU! Go here to help! Oh, you're talking about mission design in Prophecy? We'd like to have that in WCU! Go here to help! Etc. ) We explained the problem at the first banning... and when we unbanned him, it was going on again immediately

He is now permanently banned because his reaction to this second banning was to spend two days sending threatening e-mails (which only stopped when I linked to that terrible, terrible livejournal account.)

Here's the kicker: that's not my call. Chris and Kris and Hades and ace all don't think my fighting fan project weirdos is especially cute. They don't like it, but they put up with me because my occasional moments of brilliance outweigh all the horrible egotism. They also don't follow these things at all, and when alerted to them they usually tell me to shut up. Great system.

Which means that Chris' first reaction to this stupid inicdent was Spiritplumber e-mailing him (news@ goes to everyone) to let us know he was going to "hack" the chat zone if we didn't undo the ban. That didn't go over well, and now Spiritplumber isn't coming back. It'll make for a good mailbag someday, though, and that will have been Spiritplumber's sole positive effect on the Wing Commander community.

So, now, what do I do with you? Ban you outright because you're clearly an awful troll? That doesn't feel right, as true as I know it is (hey, that's the logic that kept Spiritplumber here for a long, long time!)... so, I'll give you a reply. You can use it to post something cute (YOURE A NAZI!!!!!!!, etc.) and end it all right there or you can use it for a chance to join the actual Wing Commander community.
See, I learned a lot out of wcnews I didn't know befor and I kind of like it. WCU and the Remake are now important parts of the WC Community and I don't think it makes any sence to split the community by banning an important developer of the most extensive WC project ever... I simply guess that there has to be a way how both sides can get along with each other without bringing the whole grap up again...
It's not splitting the community because these people weren't part of the community to begin with - look at their post counts.

As I just told klauss and BradMick, I'll be happy to post about WCU when I'm asked to do so on the front page... but this message board high school stuff is completely unimportant.
I wasn't talking about this community here. I was talking about every old or new WC-fan out there. If this goes on, they will take side earlier or later and this will split the community.... makes me kind of sad...
for example blue_paladin42, he joined (AFAIK) because of the remake... if there hadn't been all this mess befor he'd be a member of this community know. It's the same with me, as the remake moved I moved with it. Visiting two forums about the same topic is just tiring out. And I guess I'm not the only one who thinks so...
Ok, I agree I started a bit hostile. And master wooky is right about the remake, which I found on home of the ~~~~~~~~~. I have been coming to CIC for a long time now though, as it is the single greatest information site about WC I have found. And I am a huge fan of the game, having played it since I was old enough to walk. But I have looked through the forums and I haven't seen anything I would call spamming. Whatever words have been said AFTER the banning(and I understand those words weren't friendly), it just seems like that banning was unfair. And I am running XP not linux :P
I wasn't talking about this community here. I was talking about every old or new WC-fan out there. If this goes on, they will take side earlier or later and this will split the community.... makes me kind of sad...
for example blue_paladin42, he joined (AFAIK) because of the remake... if there hadn't been all this mess befor he'd be a member of this community know. It's the same with me, as the remake moved I moved with it. Visiting two forums about the same topic is just tiring out. And I guess I'm not the only one who thinks so...

I think you're overestimating the importance of WCU to the Wing Commander community. It's a distant fourth or fifth in the very healthy pantheon of fan projects... and I don't think there's anything 'worse' than banning Spiritplumber we could do to "split" the community. The community is pretty strong right now.

WCU is a great idea, it's fun to play around with... but it's something that as of yet doesn't really work right. It might be a great, great game someday -- but building your reputation on might-bes just doesn't fly here. We have seen far too many people announce their amazing projects and then disappear. The Wing Commander community is cynical. Case in point - you or bluepaladin 'might' contribute to the community... but no one can moderate based on that. Should we give Spiritplumber free reign because we're worried someone in the future might not show up? I don't see how I can parse that thought properly, it's a practical impossibility.

It's not even some kind of class system - getting in good with the locals isn't a hard thing to do. Show up on IRC once, say hi to everybody and talk about burger toppings or why the Broadsword doesn't have afterburners. Be a real person instead of this 'look, I have a mod! respect me, and go to a message board that isn't your home and admire it!' schtick that Spirit and company currently have going.

Also, the Wing Commander community is heartless when it comes to criticizing fan projects, and the last time y'all were here you didn't understand that *at all*. Spirit et. al. got into a huge huff because people were daring to point out all sorts of continuity errors -- and instead of addressing anything he started ranting on about how he was being oppresed by 'AWACS'. Sure, maybe that's cute - but we're not a cute community. Every other succesful fan project went through the same thing... and the thing that has separated every single succesful one (Standoff, Saga, UE) from all the failures is that they matured, learned to take criticism and also how to address it without changing their project. WCU isn't at that point yet -- you still bawl and threaten to come beat up LOAF whenever anything doesn't go your way... and I honestly wish I wasn't citing an actual Sourceforge post here, because that's just stupid.

Ok, I agree I started a bit hostile. And master wooky is right about the remake, which I found on home of the ~~~~~~~~~. I have been coming to CIC for a long time now though, as it is the single greatest information site about WC I have found. And I am a huge fan of the game, having played it since I was old enough to walk. But I have looked through the forums and I haven't seen anything I would call spamming. Whatever words have been said AFTER the banning(and I understand those words weren't friendly), it just seems like that banning was unfair. And I am running XP not linux :P

I believe Kris deleted his last wave of posts -- but you can probably still go back in the archive a ways and find the original set. This wasn't something out of the blue where we decided to punish Spiritplumber - it was a case of giving him a second chance after having already fully explained the issue a month or so earlier... and Spiritplumber screwing it up faster than one would ever have thought possible.

(And yes, things said after a banning certainly count - because banning usually lasts a few days here. If you turn your administrative punishment into the typical admins-are-nazis-I'm-taking-my-football-and-going-home! crap, then your unbanning will be based on that.)
Im not going to defend the after emails. Im not going to say the not unbanning wasnt nessecarily just. I'd like to, but I don't really think I can. And I did see the forum posts leading up too the second banning. My opinion still stands.
Blue_paladin42 said:
But I have looked through the forums and I haven't seen anything I would call spamming. Whatever words have been said AFTER the banning(and I understand those words weren't friendly), it just seems like that banning was unfair.

Blue_paladin42 said:
Im not going to defend the after emails. Im not going to say the not unbanning wasnt nessecarily just. I'd like to, but I don't really think I can. And I did see the forum posts leading up too the second banning.

Then you must have seen posts like this in threads about completely unrelated topics. He'd already been banned previously for doing that over and over, and immediately after getting unbanned, he launched right back into it. He clearly didn't get the message. He was argumentative when we pointed out what he was doing, and so obviously we never should have unbanned him to begin with, and that point was driven home when he reacted by threatening to compromise the website. It doesn't matter when these actions took place. It's absolutely appropriate to maintain a ban on someone who does something like that, especially in light of all the other circumstances. Doing so incurs no risk of splitting anything, since the game's marginal fan base already predominantly posts to their own forums to begin with. As LOAF said, we do front page reports on any fan projects that sends relevant news to our Report News link, and more than 95% of our visitors only go by the front page for their fan project news.

geistklempnerin said:
Thank you! Has the Privateer Remake moved there also, or there are 2 forums?

The forums here now are meant for Gemini Gold questons.
I noticed you put ihn spirits post, but left out the others around it. I believe it was in a discussion about various game engines for a fan project, and spirit suggested vegastrike. Thats not spamming.
I noticed you put ihn spirits post, but left out the others around it. I believe it was in a discussion about various game engines for a fan project, and spirit suggested vegastrike. Thats not spamming.

See, this is the sort of thing I was talking about - there's no conspiracy against your project here, Chris just linked to another post in the one way there is to link to an individual post. You can click on the link in the upper right hand corner to see the entire thread -- that's what it's there for.
M-k. In light of that, I retract "but left out the others around it". Apologies. However, it looks exactly as I had remembered it, as a discussion about modding, and spirit suggested vegastrike. I might add that the mention of WCU was simply to offer using pre rendered ships, not to advertise the mod itself.
Ok for one thing spirit is a SHE!!!!!

Other than that I have spent time talking with both sides doing my best to reason things out. The answer is... there is no answer. like isreal and palistine they will always fight no matter what one does to the other and it must be left at that. Spirit is a wiz at coding on the vegastrike engine. And her mouth gets her in trouble. Its to teh point where there is no solving it. Just please dont punish WCU because of her its a fan project with great potential. The people who were posting in here behalf of spirit just want people to know the project is still alive and what better place than the biggest WC fansite out there. All I ask is that you leave be this forum for use of posting news about the project if anything gets out of hand then fine close it all up and the project will stay away. But it would be a shame to do so. Thats all I have to say. By the way im viewing this now using a satelite connection on a submarine in teh middle of the ocean. i love modern day tech.
The problem lies within the fact that the CIC pretty much belongs to the more senior members here. Ergo they feel they have the right to push their own agendas, and do not appreciate others pushing a different agenda. Since WCU / PR / VS-in-general is not part of the 'CIC' agenda, it's a touchy subject and spirit was the unfortunate victim of championing her cause on a handful of occasions in what she considered to be a helpful manner. LOAF considered it spamming.

Having been victimised here for simply disagreeing with a prominent member of the community, I now understand the CIC is a community to fit into and not join. Therefore it's easier to keep WCU away from the CIC for now and perhaps when WCU matures the CIC will be more ready to accept the WCU crew back into the fold.

Arguments over who is right or wrong is a waste of energy. Those with the control of these boards will administer as they see fit and not as others decree. Those who frequent the boards can either accept that or go elsewhere. WCU has 'gone elsewhere', as has PR for that matter after the PGG fiasco.