Is EA really dropping support for WC?

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

I don't generally care about spelling mistakes -- but the 'adding a u to Nephilim' one bugs me... I mean, why the hell does it happen, anyway? It's not pronounced with a 'u'... it's never spelled with a 'u'... why does everybody add a 'u'?

I think they all are Canadian, British, or Austrailian, and can't understand some words don't have a "u" in them, but that's my opinion, I could be wrong.
Originally posted by Frosty
I seriously doubt the 'industry' needs a boost. Especially with 3 new consoles out on the market. Games are selling like pr0n these days.

I think he means the COMPUTER games industry. :p

Originally posted by WildWeasel
First of all, I never said anything about Frosty. I don't speak for him and you shouldn't assume that I do.

He also never said you did. :)
Originally posted by Meson

I think they all are Canadian, British, or Austrailian, and can't understand some words don't have a "u" in them, but that's my opinion, I could be wrong.

Shut up, Meson...
Originally posted by Bob McDob
Originally posted by WildWeasel
First of all, I never said anything about Frosty. I don't speak for him and you shouldn't assume that I do.
He also never said you did.
Exactly! Thank you Bob! :)
Originally posted by WildWeasel
Finally, stop trying to start fights. It's getting disruptive and you obviously cannot win.
Oh what... so you and Frosty are the only ones entitled to be smartasses on this board? <g>
Originally posted by Meson

I think they all are Canadian, British, or Austrailian, and can't understand some words don't have a "u" in them, but that's my opinion, I could be wrong.

Some of us are
( please add "Singaporean" to your list thks);)