In WCATV, did Adm. Burkstrom want Cadet Blair?


In the WCA TV series episode "Chain of Command", did Admiral Burkstrom want to have an intimate relationship with Cadet Christopher Blair? The reason I ask this is because of several facts:

Fact 1. Admiral Burkstrom apparently never had an intimate relationship with a man before since the series doesn't describe her having one, the series just has Geoffrey Tolwyn say how they "were young then" at the Academy. Maybe Admiral Burkstrom thought she could make up for lost time and "feel young again" by having an intimate relationship with the young Cadet Blair.

Fact 2. Admiral Burkstrom is in a high position of authority and can use that to her advantage. Blair is just a Cadet and would not have had much influence in court if he decided to turn Burkstrom in for any "advances" she might have done towards him. She could have used her position of authority to make certain that a minimum amount of female personnel were on the Tiger's Claw thus reducing any possible competition she might later on encounter -- this would account for the few females we see in the series on board the Tiger's Claw (like we just see Maya the fighter tech, Cadets Bowman and Price). And remember, the Cadets, after their private duel in Episode Red And Blue, were transferred to the Tiger's Claw for, as Tolwyn put it, "hands-on training" required by Fleet HQ. The words "hands-on" kind of implies something ... -- these Cadets were just Cadets! And, they should not have been transferred to real live action until after they completed their training!

Fact 3. Admiral Burkstrom wanted to meet with Blair in HER PRIVATE shuttle to ask Blair to spy on Tolwyn. Tolwyn should've been aware of Blair going onto Burkstrom's shuttle so it would've made more sense if Burkstrom had just handed Blair a paper to read (the paper would've had her orders for Blair to spy on Tolwyn written on it) while Tolwyn wasn't nearby the two on the Tiger's Claw. Also, it would've made more sense for Burkstrom just to have had the Tiger Claw's Com Officer spy on Tolwyn -- he would've had a much easier chance of sending messages to Burkstrom since he had access to all that communication equipment (Burkstrom should've just given the Com Officer a secret frequency to broadcast to her). Burkstrom told Blair how she understood how he lead the recon through the jump node. When Blair concurred and said how that Cadet Price flew wing, Burkstrom abruptly cuts him off as if she was trying to get him to not in any way think about Cadet Price (remember, Cadet Price is a female) quickly saying, "We'll talk in my shuttle". Notice how she uses the word "we". Burkstrom probably wanted to quickly get Blair into the shuttle so he could get influenced by her seductive ways quickly and efficiently. I can't imagine any Admiral quickly saying "We'll talk in my shuttle" as a means to order a Cadet into a shuttle (other than to save time), a true Admiral would've said something more like "Cadet, I have a few things I would like for you to review in my shuttle."

Fact 4. It was known for a long time that Blair was pretty much the best Cadet and was tremendously above average. Burkstrom's subconscious mind probably started thinking that she and Blair should get together to mate together so they would be able to produce the best children who would grow up to finish the ConFed/Kilrathi War. Burkstrom probably subconsciously thought that her mating with Blair was a strategic necessity and to not mate w/ Blair to produce the best offspring would have been against everything she was sworn to uphold. I know in the U.S. Military, personnel are sworn to "protect the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic". My guess is, ConFed personnel pretty much swear the same Oath -- they probably swear something like "I will protect the ConFederation against all enemies foreign and domestic". You can't fight a war if you don't have people doing the fighting. Burkstrom understood that just as much as Blair did (Blair likes having people around especially flying with him -- he prefers mass groups ganging up on Kilrathi like Burkstrom).

Fact 5. Now, you're probably thinking, gee Chip, you really are insane to think this stuff up. The thing is, ConFed was fighting an INSANE war (ConFed lost 70 percent of its fleet), so people started think to fight INSANELY. Burkstrom probably wanted Blair with her because he always could keep his sanity intact -- he never lost his cool at any time he was in the Academy -- she probably thought she'd lose it if Blair wasn't there to "provide necessary attention" -- Burkstrom probably thought Blair was going to be the best bet for a sane gentleman like mate.

Fact 6. Using Blair to spy on Tolwyn enables Burkstrom to test Blair's obedience to her. If Blair didn't obey Burkstrom, she would have had less faith in him.

Fact 7. Burkstrom, whenever she looked at Blair, solely looked at Blair. Cadets get intimidated when Admirals just glare at them -- Burkstrom was testing how well Blair could cope with an Admiral just glaring at him -- she knew she would be spending alot of time with Blair when her relationship would commence and she her "glare tests" were just to see if Blair could handle Burkstrom.

Fact 8. It's interesting how during the surprise attack on Burkstrom's Fleet, Admiral Burkstrom's escape pod "mysteriously" gets close to Blair's fighter. Burkstrom probably subconsicously thought she could still continue to get her relationship with Blair still working since it would have been logical Blair would've came to her in the Tiger's Claw medical bay so she could have "thanked" him for saving her.

To sum up everything, my guess is, Admiral Burkstrom did not want to risk getting caught having an intimate relationship with a Cadet who was technically under her command which would have resulted in a court martial getting her put in prison especially since she had failed to successfully defeat the Kilrathi Fleet at Ceti Beta One, so she probably decided to just let go of Blair and the past when she was in the medical bay.

Also, did anyone see that movie, I think it's called Top Gun where that civillian fighter instructor is attracted to that ace pilot (the main character of the movie)?
Chip: What are you smoking??? First, just because we only see 3 women on the Claw doesn't mean that there arent 95 playboy bunnies behind every bulkhead, you are using the we dont see it therefor it doesn't exist theory, one that is inherantly flawed. Second, she might have had blair in the shuttle to make sure that no cameras/mikes could hear what she was saying to blair. Third, Confed lost 70% of its fleet at McAlluff that was 20 years before Blair was a cadet giving Confed ample time to rebuild its fleet. Fourth, Admirals don't go after Cadets, it is just not done, at least in any history I know of. Fifth, she was old enough to be Blair's mother. Sixth, if anything it seemed more like her and tolwyn had a history together. And Finally, Chip you have posted a motherload of wierd ideas but this one takes the cake!
several points.
1) Seek help.
2) Stop seeing Playboy Channel.
3) So that is why confed was losing the war, the Brass just wanted to get laid.
Playboy channel what? I was just making a point Jeeze. I just had a thought, how come Burkstrom is talking to blair about the jump recon he and Payback made, yet they didnt do that recon until the next episode, at least according to the order that the CIC put the episodes in.
This is the most hilarious thread ever.:)

****Admiral Burkstrom apparently never had an intimate relationship with a man before since the series doesn't describe her having one, the series just has Geoffrey Tolwyn say how they "were young then" at the Academy. Maybe Admiral Burkstrom thought she could make up for lost time and "feel young again" by having an intimate relationship with the young Cadet Blair.****

WTH? Do you think that a woman her age never had a relationship, just because we're not told about it in the series? She's not even in more than one or two episodes...

****She could have used her position of authority to make certain that a minimum amount of female personnel were on the Tiger's Claw thus reducing any possible competition she might later on encounter****

Yes, and it wouldn't look strange to anyone that she was getting rid of female cadets.... besides she wouldn't really have any authority to change the crew on someone else' ship.

****this would account for the few females we see in the series on board the Tiger's Claw (like we just see Maya the fighter tech, Cadets Bowman and Price). ****

Please, just because we don't see too many females, doesn't mean that a horny Admiral had to get rid of them all.

****these Cadets were just Cadets! And, they should not have been transferred to real live action until after they completed their training!****

They WERE completing their training on the Claw.

****Admiral Burkstrom wanted to meet with Blair in HER PRIVATE shuttle to ask Blair to spy on Tolwyn. Tolwyn should've been aware of Blair going onto Burkstrom's shuttle so it would've made more sense if Burkstrom had just handed Blair a paper to read (the paper would've had her orders for Blair to spy on Tolwyn written on it) while Tolwyn wasn't nearby the two on the Tiger's Claw.****

What? If you were asking a cadet to spy on his CO, you'd give him a piece of paper....? Besides, don't you think it wouldn't look too good if a cadet and Admiral were exchanging notes?:)

****Also, it would've made more sense for Burkstrom just to have had the Tiger Claw's Com Officer spy on Tolwyn -- he would've had a much easier chance of sending messages to Burkstrom since he had access to all that communication equipment (Burkstrom should've just given the Com Officer a secret frequency to broadcast to her).****

Yes, instead of a young rebelious cadet, lets get a comm officer to spy on Tolwyn. Who cares if he's even closer to Tolwyn. Additinaly, the CO can monitor every communication sent from the ship...

****When Blair concurred and said how that Cadet Price flew wing, Burkstrom abruptly cuts him off as if she was trying to get him to not in any way think about Cadet Price (remember, Cadet Price is a female) quickly saying, "We'll talk in my shuttle". Notice how she uses the word "we". Burkstrom probably wanted to quickly get Blair into the shuttle so he could get influenced by her seductive ways quickly and efficiently.****

He he, I can't even respond to that...

****It was known for a long time that Blair was pretty much the best Cadet and was tremendously above average. Burkstrom's subconscious mind probably started thinking that she and Blair should get together to mate together so they would be able to produce the best children who would grow up to finish the ConFed/Kilrathi War. Burkstrom probably subconsciously thought that her mating with Blair was a strategic necessity and to not mate w/ Blair to produce the best offspring would have been against everything she was sworn to uphold.****

Now, this one really takes the cake.:) She wanted to start her own superior warrior race, but by natural means

****The thing is, ConFed was fighting an INSANE war (ConFed lost 70 percent of its fleet)****

But, that happened 20 years before the series, and before that 70% loss, Confeds fleet was much larger than Kilrathi.

****Burkstrom probably wanted Blair with her because he always could keep his sanity intact -- he never lost his cool at any time he was in the Academy -- she probably thought she'd lose it if Blair wasn't there to "provide necessary attention" -- Burkstrom probably thought Blair was going to be the best bet for a sane gentleman like mate.****

Yeah, she wanted Blair to comfort her, and later get laid...:-(

****To sum up everything, my guess is, Admiral Burkstrom did not want to risk getting caught having an intimate relationship with a Cadet who was technically under her command which would have resulted in a court martial getting her put in prison especially since she had failed to successfully defeat the Kilrathi Fleet at Ceti Beta One, so she probably decided to just let go of Blair and the past when she was in the medical bay.****

Yes, that must be it. Hey, when are you going to post your theories on the romantic relationship between Tolwyn and Hobbes?

[Edited by Earthworm on 02-04-2001 at 22:22]
Ok, dragon now I understand, admiral comming onto cadet sounds like a good porno movie senario to me. maybe they could get ginger lynn to play the admiral :)
Originally posted by Chip
And remember, the Cadets, after their private duel in Episode Red And Blue, were transferred to the Tiger's Claw for, as Tolwyn put it, "hands-on training" required by Fleet HQ. The words "hands-on" kind of implies something
My god, he's right! But... it wasn't Bergstrom that said that, it was Tolwyn... nooooooo! It was Tolwyn all along! He WANTED Blair! And Maniac and Payback and Bowman... he wanted all of them! Tolwyn is a sex-crazed maniac! NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!

Admiral Burkstrom wanted to meet with Blair in HER PRIVATE shuttle to ask Blair to spy on Tolwyn.
Good grief, then surely Tolwyn asking Blair into his quarters in episode 11... the bastard. And hey, that would also explain why Angel disappeared on "some damned covert op for Admiral Tolwyn"... and Bear too! Bear was a regular visitor in Tolwyn's quarters!

(Blair likes having people around especially flying with him -- he prefers mass groups ganging up on Kilrathi like Burkstrom)
Oh no... so BLAIR is a perverted sex-crazed maniac too!?! My whole world has just shattered...

Burkstrom was testing how well Blair could cope with an Admiral just glaring at him -- she knew she would be spending alot of time with Blair when her relationship would commence and she her "glare tests" were just to see if Blair could handle Burkstrom.
Then, in WC2, when Blair and Tolwyn had that whole glaring match after Shadow's death... they were testing EACH OTHER?

Now, you're probably thinking, gee Chip, you really are insane to think this stuff up.
Dammit, Chip, I don't like the idea of you reading my thoughts... STAY OUT OF MY MIND OR I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Footnote: Anybody who thinks that I was serious about any of the above may require a visit to the psychiatrist. I'm weird, but not THAT weird ;).
I cannot help but wonder, though, how Chip manages to think these things up. I mean, if he's just joking about all these things, then I'm amazed by how much work he'd put into a joke. And if he's not joking, then... well, then I'm still amazed, because such craziness is just not something you see every day.
WOW! Another Chip(tm) post.

Chip, when is your first novel coming out. YOu have a fantastic imagination, and I bet your books would be a great read. :)
Originally posted by Chip

Also, did anyone see that movie, I think it's called Top Gun where that civillian fighter instructor is attracted to that ace pilot (the main character of the movie)?

Yes, its Top Gun but she is not a civillian fighter instructor, she is a psychiatrist.

And Chip please wright a novel with those "ideas", It would be better that WC 4.123106.
Yea it would with admirals going after cadats AND everybody trying to capture capships while using glue guns, boy o boy would that be entertaining
Why confed was losing the war.
easy, The poor cadets learn nothing at the academy, they were busy with the Brass, and it was no better after graduation since things did not change in ships and bases that had a admiral aboard, so they were so fatigated after "helping" the brass that they could not fight the kilrathi.
That was also the reason that the behomont have taken 10 years to be build....
Originally posted by Chip

Fact 1. Admiral Burkstrom apparently never had an intimate relationship with a man before since the series doesn't describe her having one, the series just has Geoffrey Tolwyn say how they "were young then" at the Academy. Maybe Admiral Burkstrom thought she could make up for lost time and "feel young again" by having an intimate relationship with the young Cadet Blair.
O.K. I never see the episode but, she was keeping for a CADET, boy were did they promote people to admiral.

[/B][/QUOTE]Originally posted by Chip
Fact 2. Admiral Burkstrom is in a high position of authority and can use that to her advantage. Blair is just a Cadet and would not have had much influence in court if he decided to turn Burkstrom in for any "advances" she might have done towards him. She could have used her position of authority to make certain that a minimum amount of female personnel were on the Tiger's Claw thus reducing any possible competition she might later on encounter -- this would account for the few females we see in the series on board the Tiger's Claw (like we just see Maya the fighter tech, Cadets Bowman and Price). And remember, the Cadets, after their private duel in Episode Red And Blue, were transferred to the Tiger's Claw for, as Tolwyn put it, "hands-on training" required by Fleet HQ. The words "hands-on" kind of implies something ... -- these Cadets were just Cadets! And, they should not have been transferred to real live action until after they completed their training!

so, there was a fight bettew Tolwyn and her for the Male/Female crew of the Tiger´s claws, and Tolwyn like Blair as well......

[/B][/QUOTE]Originally posted by Chip

Fact 3. Admiral Burkstrom wanted to meet with Blair in HER PRIVATE shuttle to ask Blair to spy on Tolwyn. Tolwyn should've been aware of Blair going onto Burkstrom's shuttle so it would've made more sense if Burkstrom had just handed Blair a paper to read (the paper would've had her orders for Blair to spy on Tolwyn written on it) while Tolwyn wasn't nearby the two on the Tiger's Claw. Also, it would've made more sense for Burkstrom just to have had the Tiger Claw's Com Officer spy on Tolwyn -- he would've had a much easier chance of sending messages to Burkstrom since he had access to all that communication equipment (Burkstrom should've just given the Com Officer a secret frequency to broadcast to her). Burkstrom told Blair how she understood how he lead the recon through the jump node. When Blair concurred and said how that Cadet Price flew wing, Burkstrom abruptly cuts him off as if she was trying to get him to not in any way think about Cadet Price (remember, Cadet Price is a female) quickly saying, "We'll talk in my shuttle". Notice how she uses the word "we". Burkstrom probably wanted to quickly get Blair into the shuttle so he could get influenced by her seductive ways quickly and efficiently. I can't imagine any Admiral quickly saying "We'll talk in my shuttle" as a means to order a Cadet into a shuttle (other than to save time), a true Admiral would've said something more like "Cadet, I have a few things I would like for you to review in my shuttle."

So, the standart equipmant for a admiral private shuttle is a bed with silk sheats, a mirror on the roof, red light...
Must join the ConFed Navy.

[/B][/QUOTE]Originally posted by Chip

Fact 4. It was known for a long time that Blair was pretty much the best Cadet and was tremendously above average. Burkstrom's subconscious mind probably started thinking that she and Blair should get together to mate together so they would be able to produce the best children who would grow up to finish the ConFed/Kilrathi War. Burkstrom probably subconsciously thought that her mating with Blair was a strategic necessity and to not mate w/ Blair to produce the best offspring would have been against everything she was sworn to uphold. I know in the U.S. Military, personnel are sworn to "protect the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic". My guess is, ConFed personnel pretty much swear the same Oath -- they probably swear something like "I will protect the ConFederation against all enemies foreign and domestic". You can't fight a war if you don't have people doing the fighting. Burkstrom understood that just as much as Blair did (Blair likes having people around especially flying with him -- he prefers mass groups ganging up on Kilrathi like Burkstrom).

O.K. not only she is a Sex driven maniac but Blair is also a sex driven maniac, and she wanted sex driven maniac offspring as well, well perhaps the LB was not a bad idea after all seeing the way ConFed admirals think...

[/B][/QUOTE]Originally posted by Chip

Fact 5. Now, you're probably thinking, gee Chip, you really are insane to think this stuff up. The thing is, ConFed was fighting an INSANE war (ConFed lost 70 percent of its fleet), so people started think to fight INSANELY. Burkstrom probably wanted Blair with her because he always could keep his sanity intact -- he never lost his cool at any time he was in the Academy -- she probably thought she'd lose it if Blair wasn't there to "provide necessary attention" -- Burkstrom probably thought Blair was going to be the best bet for a sane gentleman like mate.

So she is almost insane, well that clears things now
About you, I hope that this is a joke.....

[/B][/QUOTE]Originally posted by Chip

Fact 6. Using Blair to spy on Tolwyn enables Burkstrom to test Blair's obedience to her. If Blair didn't obey Burkstrom, she would have had less faith in him.

Perhaps she was just playing some Crazy sex game with Blair and Tolwyn....This is getting weird now......

[/B][/QUOTE]Originally posted by Chip

Fact 7. Burkstrom, whenever she looked at Blair, solely looked at Blair. Cadets get intimidated when Admirals just glare at them -- Burkstrom was testing how well Blair could cope with an Admiral just glaring at him -- she knew she would be spending alot of time with Blair when her relationship would commence and she her "glare tests" were just to see if Blair could handle Burkstrom.

And so did Tolwyn in WC II, so Tolwyn and Blair are starting a romance......poor Angel.....

[/B][/QUOTE]Originally posted by Chip

Fact 8. It's interesting how during the surprise attack on Burkstrom's Fleet, Admiral Burkstrom's escape pod "mysteriously" gets close to Blair's fighter. Burkstrom probably subconsicously thought she could still continue to get her relationship with Blair still working since it would have been logical Blair would've came to her in the Tiger's Claw medical bay so she could have "thanked" him for saving her.

Her Sex drive for Blair is so much that it can be use as a ENGINE for a escape pod.....Well who needs matter/anti-matter engines anyway, just put a sex drive engine and you get more power.....

[/B][/QUOTE]Originally posted by Chip

To sum up everything, my guess is, Admiral Burkstrom did not want to risk getting caught having an intimate relationship with a Cadet who was technically under her command which would have resulted in a court martial getting her put in prison especially since she had failed to successfully defeat the Kilrathi Fleet at Ceti Beta One, so she probably decided to just let go of Blair and the past when she was in the medical bay.

Also, did anyone see that movie, I think it's called Top Gun where that civillian fighter instructor is attracted to that ace pilot (the main character of the movie)?

So after all that she just gives up, well she is nuts and sould be dismiss at the spot, now lets see the Blair/Tolwyn/Angel love triangle......

Sorry It toke me some time to put all this...

[Edited by Dragon on 02-05-2001 at 18:05]
Expendable comes before Chain of Command

I just had a thought, how come Burkstrom is talking to blair about the jump recon he and Payback made, yet they didnt do that recon until the next episode, at least according to the order that the CIC put the episodes in.

The CIC order is wrong. Chain of Command picks up right where Expendable left off.
RE: to messages below

I cannot help but wonder, though, how Chip manages to think these things up. I mean, if he's just joking about all these things, then I'm amazed by how much work he'd put into a joke. And if he's not joking, then... well, then I'm still amazed, because such craziness is just not something you see every day.

I was partially joking. The thing is, I can actually relate to this situation. When I was 18, this 45 year old woman came onto me (she was such a HOT powerful ambitious rich babe and I was so ambitious and good looking and everything) and she had the same intentions I think Burkstrom had for Blair (that babe and I wanted to get married and start having outstanding kids and such). And if I was in Blair's place, I know I would've WANTED Ria Burgstrom's advances. Let me ask you this, if an Admiral and a Cadet could've gotten away with such a relationship and outstanding results would've came out of it (like outstanding offspring that could support the ConFederation exceptionally well), why would they not get into such a relationship? I mean, what Cadet could resist the temptation to be going steady with an Admiral! And what Admiral would forego getting her mission accomplished -- do you really believe she'd let an ace like Blair slip through her fingers? I'm telling you, these things happen all the time because people like Blair & Burgstrom are power driven mission minded people. When Blair was in Burgstrom's shuttle, I'm surprised Burgstrom didn't try to "thoroughly inspect" how good Blair was dressed in his uniform.
So chip if you were blair you would have gotten together with a woman easily old enough to be your mother, well that sheds some new light on your personality