In Our Dreams (December 16, 2005)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Germans have something very important that is lacking in many other cultures: a healthy continued respect for Wing Commander. Case in point, the latest issue of PC Games magazine features an editorial that asks 'what would we do as boss of Electronic Arts for one day?'. First on the agenda? Bring back Wing Commander! You can read the full article, in German, here. LeechMachine, who found the article, was also kind enough to translate the part about Wing Commander:
Top Priority No.1:
Start the development of Wing Commander 6

The sudden end of Prophecy makes clear that there's got to be a follow-up script to the story in the desk of some (former) employee. Although Origin is no more and there's no sign of evidence that there are plans to revive the Wing Commander series, it would be the perfect start of the day as the boss of EA to make this happen!

Original update published on December 16, 2005
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What about the other races that haven't been in a game, like the mantu or the double helix? wouldn't a game based on a new Confed-Killrathi Allience against the powerful Mantu(who could have made allies with the other race that they faught with after Kilrathi-mantu war) make a decent game? Either that or A game with Confed taking the fight to the Neilphim by going to their space throught the worm hole that was kept open after WC:SO.
p.s. The link for the English version of the story doesn't work! can someone give me a link that does work for the english version of the story?
Martini Doctor said:
yeah... we all loved it. especially wc4
Thanks for reminding me! One of WCP's and WC:SO's main faults was no interactive missions or choices during missions like WC3 and WC4. Would love to see that in WC6 or what ever it's called!
scottandfiddle said:
wouldn't a game based on a new Confed-Killrathi Allience against the powerful Mantu(who could have made allies with the other race that they faught with after Kilrathi-mantu war)

There was no Kilrathi-Mantu war. The Mantu are not a hostile species.

scottandfiddle said:
Thanks for reminding me! One of WCP's and WC:SO's main faults was no interactive missions or choices during missions like WC3 and WC4. Would love to see that in WC6 or what ever it's called!

Prophecy had the most intense in-mission interactive choice in the whole series with Hawk trying to get you to fire on the Kilrathi.
ChrisReid said:
There was no Kilrathi-Mantu war. The Mantu are not a hostile species.

Well your Encycopedia says that they did! It said the conflict was at a stallmate and the war was more or less called off as it was belived they went to fight another race at the other side of their territory.

ChrisReid said:
Prophecy had the most intense in-mission interactive choice in the whole series with Hawk trying to get you to fire on the Kilrathi.

True but it lacks the choices made outside the cockpit (infact there was none) like in WC3 you choce to kiss either Flint, Cheif Tech Coriolis or in WC4 your choice at the end cutseen determinded if you were sent to prison and exicuted or if you stopped the war!
A new aspect of the Confederation allied with the Kilrathi would be very interesting does have a nice ring to it. We hear of the Kilrathi rebels at Ghorah Khar so it is possible to see it happen for a wing commander game based on a the Confederation-Kilrathi Alliance.
Maybe a game loosely based on the Holding the Line Series might sound good as well. But it would take a lot of time, resources and people to get such a project to get started.
Otherwise I would love to hear how the Germans would have done to resurrect this popular game back on the market..
Dahan said:
Otherwise I would love to hear how the Germans would have done to resurrect this popular game back on the market..

82 Million people, and every baby, mother, grandpa, and laywer promises to buy a copy. This should do it... yet, I'm not sure if we are this loyal to WC ;)
scottandfiddle said:
Well your Encycopedia says that they did! It said the conflict was at a stallmate and the war was more or less called off as it was belived they went to fight another race at the other side of their territory.

You don't read very well. It says nothing about a war with the Mantu.

scottandfiddle said:
True but it lacks the choices made outside the cockpit (infact there was none) like in WC3 you choce to kiss either Flint, Cheif Tech Coriolis or in WC4 your choice at the end cutseen determinded if you were sent to prison and exicuted or if you stopped the war!

Great, but you specifically made a point of highlighting *mission choices* more than once. Nobody was talking about FMV choices.
ChrisReid said:
Great, but you specifically made a point of highlighting *mission choices* more than once. Nobody was talking about FMV choices.
Ok I didn't say about the choices very well? hey that's just me! I'm clumbsy when writting/typing things. I should of said choices during the game not mission.

ChrisReid said:
You don't read very well. It says nothing about a war with the Mantu

Well a massive armed conflict is more or less a war! It's war just called something else i.e. Armed Conflict.

p.s. do you really like arguing with me Chris? Every post I've made your there to fight me? Why is that? Everyone else in this thread was more or less gave their opinion or said mine was good? then you come around and say that I get my facts wrong (I'm not bothered if you disagreed with my idea!)
The Encyclopedia entry doesn't refer to a war, but it looks like there actually was a larger conflict prior to the border skirmishes I was referring to, but the point was that it was all in response to Kilrathi aggression. The Mantu-Kilrathi war that the Kilrathi feared in the future never happened, because the Mantu aren't really hostile. The Mantu as a super villian is something people have trotted out thousands of times here and it doesn't hold up.

I don't really attach names to posts. If you've found that I'm pointing out problems in all your posts, then it probably has something to do with your writing style or subjects you choose to bring up. I'm the only one who shot down your idea because I'm the only one who referenced it in my replies at all.
ChrisReid said:
I'm the only one who shot down your idea because I'm the only one who referenced it in my replies at all

Exhibit A! 2 earlier posts one made by moi and another from another user!

scottandfiddle said:
wouldn't a game based on a new Confed-Killrathi Allience against the powerful Mantu
Dahan said:
new aspect of the Confederation allied with the Kilrathi would be very interesting does have a nice ring to it

So your the only one who reffrenced my idea then ehhh? I beg to differ!

p.s. I'm not bothered about getting shot down! I am bothered that you always argue with me no matter what I say and what the thread is about! Anyone wants say my idea is "shite" is intilled to say so! I may disagree with you but you don't disagree with you!
scottandfiddle said:
Exhibit A! 2 earlier posts one made by moi and another from another user!

No, nobody else talked about the Mantu.

scottandfiddle said:
So your the only one who reffrenced my idea then ehhh? I beg to differ!

p.s. I'm not bothered about getting shot down! I am bothered that you always argue with me no matter what I say and what the thread is about! Anyone wants say my idea is "shite" is intilled to say so! I may disagree with you but you don't disagree with you!

I don't even know what you're talking about now, but it sounds like you're violating several CZ rules (5, 9, etc) at this point.
ChrisReid said:
No, nobody else talked about the Mantu.

I don't even know what you're talking about now, but it sounds like you're violating several CZ rules (5, 9, etc) at this point.
I was pointing out that your not the only one refrencing my posts and showed with my quotes that Dahan did have a refrence from my first post of this thread! And actually accordiding to the rules I only broke one rule on my last post! That was rule 5 for saying "Shite" but I did not protest on the fourms about you mistaking the rules! And I'm not now! Just pointing out that your wrong!
*sound of a boxing bell*
*in a boxing commintators voice*
Who will win this battle to the death? The well known and admin of these fourms ChrisReid or the newbie or as Manic would call Pleeb Scottandfiddle? Find out after these messages!
I wrote a brief history of the Mantu, based on the three sources in which they're referenced: Fleet Action, Heart of the Tiger and the ICIS Manual. I hope this helps. Please feel free to post it anywhere the Mantu question comes up.


The major conflict between the Empire of Kilrah and the Mantu began around 2429. Terran historians believe that it was borne out of Kilrathi aggression towards civilian Mantu ships. The Mantu, an paranoid, insular race of explorers and prospectors, reacted to these attacks with extreme prejudice, pursuing a major invasion of Kilrathi space. It was warfare on a scale unprecedented and overwhelming to the Kilrathi of the 25th century. The conflict ultimately ended around 2431 when the Mantu withdrew their forces to pursue warfare in another theater.

Details of the Mantu’s ‘other war’ are scarce, save that it lasted some 235 years and concluded in 2666 with a victory on their part. In the years that followed their war, the Kilrathi demonized the Mantu as per their own sociological imperative. The Cult of Sivar religion, founded on the Prophecy of Sivar’s threat that the Kilrathi would be annihilated by their Star Gods should they ever falter in battle, would not allow for a conflict to be so ignobly ended. The Kilrathi came to believe that the war was not over but rather that the Mantu were constantly preparing for a second attack. In reality, the Mantu had offered no such threads and have never shown any practical interest in continuing the war with the Kilrathi.

This belief, however, gained even more strength among the Kilrathi in 2598 when a small border skirmish broke out between the two nations. The battle, instigated by a Kilrathi attempt to cross the Mantu border, ended in a draw but it further reinforced Kilrathi paranoia regarding their former enemies. During the fighting the Kilrathi learned that Mantu technology had advanced more quickly than had their own, creating an even greater impetus to prepare for the questionable threat of a future Mantu invasion.

In 2667 a long range probe informed the Kilrathi leadership that the Mantu had finally completed their centuries old war with a neighboring race. Two years later, similar reports claimed they were reapportioning their forces. At the height of the Terran-Kilrathi War, an Empire truly convinced it was threatened on two fronts prepared for the worst…
You don't seem to get that Chris was never picking a fight with you. He simply pinted out where you were in error. You gotta learn when to keep your mouth shut buddy. Just because someone figures a conflict in which a previously mentioned alien race might be a neat Idea in no way makes the idea of the Mantu being aggresive instigators valid. Your responses though are exactly the kind that are going to invite "hostile action" on the part of those you are insulting. It's a lesson you would be better to learn sooner than later.
AD said:
You don't seem to get that Chris was never picking a fight with you. He simply pinted out where you were in error. You gotta learn when to keep your mouth shut buddy. Just because someone figures a conflict in which a previously mentioned alien race might be a neat Idea in no way makes the idea of the Mantu being aggresive instigators valid. Your responses though are exactly the kind that are going to invite "hostile action" on the part of those you are insulting. It's a lesson you would be better to learn sooner than later.
Ok A. I'm not insulting anyone. B if you look at one of WC Saga's threads (the one asking about putting movies in it's engine) I was saying to someone who was worried that he didn't make sense due to the fact that English isn't his first languae I told him that he would be better at English than me! I told him why and fans favourite contender of this match argued with me about something about me! And C. I gave my idea for WC6! It's only an Idea and my opinion (valid or not) and people may not like the idea but Chrissy boy thought there was something wrong with my sight or reading, after which I told him that I said more or less what was in HIS source. so Yes Chris has picked a fight, True my idea might not be valid but it's my opinion and I never said it was vaild (I only argued about what I read) and No I havn't insulted anyone unless someone was offended by my Scottish Swearing (and I am Scottish so don't say I insulted scottish people!)
*Boxing bell*
*in a boxing commintators voice*
Who will try to defend the fans favourite in this exciting match? Chris V Scott! Will it ever End? Proibly not!!!
*Boxing bell
p.s. I just did the boxing thing cause was watching snake eyes at the time of typing this reply and the one before it!