I wonder


Now I'm no computer genius or video game dissector but if Agora was able to find the sound of Hobbes funeral in WCIII can he and others also find actual dormant movie scenes that just don't pop up or what? I think it'd be phat as hell to watch the left out scenes. Peace out people

Here's to you guy's for doing your job, and for not getting dead (Mac from Speed)
Actually, they have a lot of those scenes posted in the CIC's file section.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
I think he means scenes that are in the game, but are never used. The scenes in the files section are from one of the console versions of WC3, which included some scenes that were never put inside WC3.
It is Tuesday morning here and I was up all last night at the Bills game so my reading comprehension skills are seriously diminished. What do you mean by ported?

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
?? Ported means, that a game that was originaly made for one platform has been modified to work on a different platform. For example, we have WC3 that was released for PC's, and later it was modified by someone to work on a console.
The console version was released after the original version? Then why does it have more features?

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
It doesn't. Ground missions were taken out and replaced with cutscenes. And scenes cut from the original WC3 were restored because higher capacity CDs were used for the 3DO/PSX games.
By "higher capacity CDs" you mean that the 50Mb buffer was used on the console versions but not the PC version right? Why was that?
At the time of WC3, CD's were often of the 60 minute kind, instead of the newer 74, 80 and 90 minute type. The 3DO and PSX ports came out later, so they did have the space necessary to use them.
Which is also why there are 7 spaces in the WC4 case, while there are only 6 discs. They originally planned to use smaller capacity CDs, and when they switched to 74min CDs it used one less CD.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
You are in no way entitled to any WC games, if you don't have them its your own damn fault.
I saw the Hobbes funeral once on the PSX version. But only once... a long time ago.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
Keep playing. You might, eventually.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
I saw a funeral for Maniac's death once. It was quite hilarious.

Although, it was in WC I, and not of much use to this thread... But it was quite funny.

It's easy to get too.
Fly Maniac out in any mission of WC I, and kill him. ~hehehe~

Then, when you get back to base, you see the funeral scene, and promise:

-----SPOILER (sort of)-----

Bluehair: "Maniac, I promise I'll get the Cat that shot you down."

You: "Mwahahahahahahaha!! I killed him before he could become too cocky!!"

~hehehe~ OK... Maybe the last bit was made up, but try it anyways.

Maestro: "Lighten up Spyder! We're not gonna die! We're gonna WIN!!"

Zero: "Hey, Maestro... Uhh... If you DIE, can we pick through your stuff before we head back to Sol?"

Maestro: "You can burn in Hell."
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Huh, I accidentally killed Spirit in WC1. Halcyon blamed it on the Kilrathi.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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He always blames it on the Kilrathi. You can't and won't be called a traitor in the original Wing Commander. But I suspect that you already know that...

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
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