I think everyone needs to settle down

Lately it seems people have been getting out of control with some of their posts. Two threads were closed on the same day because people were making angry remarks at or about one another. Everyone just needs to calm down and act like the adults we are. So what if you don't like an opinion posted by someone else. If you don't like don't reply to it. Keep your mean and flaming remarks to yourself. Remember the golden rule: do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. I won't try to tell everyone what to do and I am guilty of making a mean post once but lets all just act in a more mature manner, okay.

If admin wants to close this thread I won't argue with it. I guess not everybody sees things the way I do.
I agree with you. I do. I also understand that the Admins are the only ones who really have a say in what gets said and what doesn't. That, however, does not mean that good samaratins such as I am(on occasion, I am! Stop laughing!), should sit idly by while some poor soul who'd just arrived in the airlock(so to speak) gets picked apart by someone else. This board, in my humble opinion, isn't about tearing someone down for not knowing the exact length of the Snakeir-class dreadnought, or some such nonsense... Correct, yes. BASH, no. Let the admins handle things if they seem to get out of hand...
Yes, I know, I'm being a hypocrate by posting this dribble. I honestly do believe that the more good that is shown to the general populous, the more traffic the forum would get, and, hence, more popularity. The more popular a site such as this becomes, the more active it becomes, the more obvious to Origin that they'd made a horrible mistake shelving Wing Commander. Am I right?

... you sure you didn't misspell yer name, dude...?


Fare thee well Professor Jones! Mwoohoohoohaha!

... sorry. Had to do that, man....
Originally posted by I'm thinkin...
Lately it seems people have been getting out of control with some of their posts. (...) So what if you don't like an opinion posted by someone else. If you don't like don't reply to it. Keep your mean and flaming remarks to yourself. Remember the golden rule: do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. (...)
Unfortunately, some people have the bad habit, whenever they spot someone they think is stupid, of reminding him that he "is" every time he gets slightly off track with his posts... They're "sarcastic, mean, unforgiving and never miss an opportunity to make a cutting remark", instead of pointing out someone is breaking the rules in a civilized manner.
They enjoy flaming to see the people's reaction and because they think it's fun I guess... which is really a shame, because these people are also capable of writing very sound posts... That's why we gotta learn to live with them, and take them for their positive side...
Than again, it's also a seniority thing. Although I was never verbally raped as some of the other n00bz, I had been given my licks too. Every time I opened my mouth I got shut up.

Yeah, I brought it on myself (cuz I'm the MAniAC).... Now I don't get reamed as often or as severely. It's truly a matter of time, acceptance and learning who not to PO and pursue an argument with.

Ya' know?
You cant really help the POing thing, but you definitly dont have to keep arguing with them. Something even the best of us forget sometimes.
Originally posted by Supdon3
You cant really help the POing thing, but you definitly dont have to keep arguing with them. Something even the best of us forget sometimes.

Very true :cool:
If you want to act like an adult, then don't come to the internet. After all, they let Col.Dom on...
Originally posted by LeHah
If you want to act like an adult, then don't come to the internet.
Personally, I like to think of it as each to his own. I mean, it takes two to tango. If you don't respond to a flame, people won't continue to flame you. I haven't really been reemed yet, and I'm a reeeeally new guy. I just try not to get angry, is all.
Let us just READ AND FOLLOW the chat zone rules so everything will go constructive and peaceful here. I lost my patience a couple of times here but I will try harder to stick to the rules.
Originally posted by I'm thinkin...
Lately it seems people have been getting out of control with some of their posts. Two threads were closed on the same day because people were making angry remarks at or about one another. Everyone just needs to calm down and act like the adults we are. So what if you don't like an opinion posted by someone else. If you don't like don't reply to it. Keep your mean and flaming remarks to yourself. Remember the golden rule: do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. I won't try to tell everyone what to do and I am guilty of making a mean post once but lets all just act in a more mature manner, okay.

If admin wants to close this thread I won't argue with it. I guess not everybody sees things the way I do.

WHAT?!! Ruin the fun? I think not!
Originally posted by Lelapinmechant
Personally, I like to think of it as each to his own. I mean, it takes two to tango. If you don't respond to a flame, people won't continue to flame you. I haven't really been reemed yet, and I'm a reeeeally new guy. I just try not to get angry, is all.

You have no idea how wide the opening you just gave really is, do you?

But I won't take the shot, even though, as an admin, I'm one of the few with the right to truly be an a55hole. (Frosty? WildWeasel? *pfft* Clickety-click, and Bad Things[tm] happen, as only a limited few can truly comprehend.)
Death, if by "Bad Things[tm]", you mean bannishment, yes, I can comprehend it. And if by "Bad Things[tm]" you mean death, well then, I'm dead inside already :(

Eh, sometimes sarcasm, etc. can be relatively useful, actually. That's the problem. It's trying to draw a line between being offended, and having some kind of smart-ass comment being used to verify someone's train of thought. The problem is, everyone has different levels of "touchiness", especially based upon different days.

(Hell I remember when I was new, I got shot up by mpanty and a buncha the elders around here every day. :P)

The problem is, you have to try to see whether sarcasm is at least somewhat useful in explaining the other person's POV. (If he just bashes on you, it's not-obviously. But if he's backing it up after saying something, maybe that's just to show how much he's tied into the topic.)

That's assuming I'm making any sense at all on this one-I'm not really thinkin' straight today! :cool:
Originally posted by Skyfire
Hell I remember when I was new, I got shot up by mpanty and a buncha the elders around here every day.

Hehehehehehe. That's a good one. He's a regular, not an elder.
Originally posted by Skyfire
I'm not really thinkin' straight today! :cool:

Dude, you are totally not gay :rolleyes:

Couldja' feel the sarcasm!? GWA HA!! Just kidding!! I would never be so mean... maybe ;)
Originally posted by Skyfire

(Hell I remember when I was new, I got shot up by mpanty and a bunch of the elders around here every day. :P)
Eheh I don't remember that at all... :) It was probably just mere teasing, I could never be as mean as some people around here <g> (and don't want to)...
Originally posted by WildWeasel

Hehehehehehe. That's a good one. He's a regular, not an elder.
Who are these elders? :p
I am in the top5 postcount ranking though (which I know, can be reset ;) )...