I Got It To Work!!!!


Rear Admiral
I can't believe it!!! I got No Remorse to work in DOSBox!!! That means I can FINALLY take screenshots of No Remorse!!!!

Rance is a guy. He's openly homosexual (and generally accepted around here as an alright guy, even though he doesn't post in the forums unless something's pissed him off).

Before anyone gets mad, Rance and I are friends, so he knows I'm not bashing him.
There are female posters, but lack or presence of external plumbing is irrelevant.

Ripper's post was in questionable taste (as are more than a few of them, for which he's been given notice several times), as is the subthread that formed off of that post, but it doesn't quite fall into the general category of "closeworthy", IMO.

overmortal said:
Rance is a guy. He's openly homosexual (and generally accepted around here as an alright guy, even though he doesn't post in the forums unless something's pissed him off).

Before anyone gets mad, Rance and I are friends, so he knows I'm not bashing him.

oh ok, sorry about that Rance, didnt know. isnt Concordia a girl? whatever happened to her? havent read a post from her for a while.

EDIT: I mean sorry about calling you a girl, not that your homosexual, thats ok, so yeah.
What subthread?

By the way, that was an inside joke. I had passed out in the head back in 1979, and one of the guys I was fueding with pissed on me. I was too drunk to do anything at the time, but things got pretty lively in the following days.
And there's a whole 'nuther story.
That kind of jokes CAN get you shot:


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Yesterday, I also used Dosbox to get my Crusader No Remorse to work after checking out this thread, I sucessfully installed and ran it, the opening videos were a little choppy, after continously adjusting the CPU cycle and frame skips still not perfect - OK, I can deal with that.

I however, could not manuver around in the game, I could walk foward, fire my pistol, holster and unholster, and crouch and roll, and that was it. It was like the game had no keys but those.. I even busted out the old stradegy guide to figure out the keys.. however, still did not work. The gameplay was alright, still a little crappy.

However, it did bring back a lot of memories back from 96.. the music in the first level, the chemist.. "You're not supposed to be here." and hits the alarm. If you can imagine, it was still fun to return to it briefly, even if I couldnt do anything.