I am creating a space sim and your help is needed.


Hello all, I am creating a space sim, and am already building the engine that this game will use. (Going good actually).

This is just a hobby that I will be doing, and will probably be avialable for free download when completed.

It is going to be an online only space combat game. Players compete in a number of modes such as destroy the carrier, dogfight (like deathmatch), capture the bouy ect...

So, if you are a modeller then I really need your help with models, same thing if you can make art and draw stuff really good. If you are a programmer then I could also use your help in the programming aspect of this project.

If you are interested then please respond to this thread.

You'de do better in the Edit Support forum, ya know :). Ask Quarto, eddieB, KillerWave, Eder, Darkmage, or anybody working on VegaStrike, Wing Commander Universe or...the other one I can't remember (damn) for help if you need...or just bug them till they give up. :)

There should be models in the section on the main page ( http://www.wcnews.com )... and if http://www.wcmods.com is still up, they have thingies too...:)
LOL, yea but that forum is for editing, i'm not editing anything, I am trying to make something new and I figured this was the forum were all the space sim nuts hang out :)

It's a general "Fan Projects" forum, not just for editing. But there's nothing against posting a call for help in General.
Flight Commander and your net game


Flight Commander (http://flightcommander.solsector.net/) is my attempt at a WC engine. I've got just about all of the fighters converted from WC1,WC3,WC4,WCAramada, and Prophecy to Flight Commander and would be happy to send you the file format. I've got sounds ripped from Prophecy too if you want. I'd be happy to give you the source if you're interested. Also, I'd probably be interested in seeing your source as well, and would love to try out any demo's you may have.
Is there a URL ?

Also, Daniel Horn, the creator of Vega Strike, has done some great work, and has been very friendly in the few emails I sent to him.
Coding a project like this ... it's a great learning experience. Are you using OpenGl?

Let me know if you have any questions,
Hey eddie,

I would love to see your source, you can send it to Raedius@sprint.ca

I haven't really decided on an API yet as I am just creating the framework for my engine at this time and the renderer will be in a sepperate DLL module, That said I am leaning towards OpenGL simply because there is alot more information about it around the web.

Also I love the Cerberus model in your screenshots section :cool:

Nice to meet you eddie, later.

An Admin will come along and dish out their brand of justice, but before they do I would recogmend that you don't post useless posts.

All these projects look good though.
It is generally advised not to "bump" thread on this board... :) (hence the "bump" post being the useless post)

As Kris once said, if your thread deserves attention, people will reply to it, and you will get the help requested (I know, it's a pretty hard way to put it)...
I don't think I'd mind someone going and replying to an old thread with something like "Hey, guys, could you please take a look at this? I really need some help..." or somesuch. But just "*BUMP*" seems pretty rude.