Hydra Cockpit WIP

The Orion and Centurion cockpits in the original Privateer were poorly lit, too.

I'd like to see a Wing Commander cockpit that has submarine (or at least submarine movie) style red lighting... I wonder if that's what they were going for with the original Scimitar.
The red lighting thing is in RL subs, but only just before periscope ops at night; during them lights are out except for dim lights for reading instrumentation, and a curtain surrounds the periscope stand to block out stray flashes of light from things like opening hatches.
Hey, guys - here's a bit of an update. I've got a placeholder back wall installed, and a bunch of new textures. I've not worked all that much on this recently - I've been tooling about with the explosions a lot more. I kinda feel drained creatively on this one - It's the fith cockpit I've made, and it's not as much fun as it used to be. It seems to be taking quite a bit more time than the last one. Anyhow - Still to do: Finalized controls, Seats, and completed back wall and textures.
Oh, I also tried LOAF's suggestion about the red sub lighting, and I was almost convinced. It did look cool, but you lost any feeling of distinctive color tones. Kinda blahified the cockpit. It was somewhat odd. I attached it for reference - if enough people like it, I'd love to use it as the final.
So, anyway, I've still very open for ideas. I've kinda run out of cool stuff to do on this one, so any neat-o suggestions would be welcome.
Thanks guys and enjoy.


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Would it be possible to use both? Perhaps it could use the white light for "normal" flight, and then switch to red for "emergencies" (i.e. when your shields are down and your armor/systems start taking hits?) Basically, "no system damage" = white and "systems damaged" = red.
Hmm. The switching might work, but maybe make it a player-selectable option? Toggle the red when going into combat, to cut down on the glare (how the original Battlestar Glactica pilots fought while wearing those lights found lighting theater stairs during the movie I have no idea :p ), then when it's calm go to white to see your instruments better.

Or something like that, if it's technically feasible.
Death said:
Hmm. The switching might work, but maybe make it a player-selectable option? Toggle the red when going into combat, to cut down on the glare (how the original Battlestar Glactica pilots fought while wearing those lights found lighting theater stairs during the movie I have no idea :p ), then when it's calm go to white to see your instruments better.

Or something like that, if it's technically feasible.
Maybe if possible have them start blinking when your armors been ripped through with moderate to severe damage to systems.
Blinking would get annoying. At most, it should just shift to red in combat or with severe damage, if Howard decided to not leave it red permanently.
Given that Wing Commander always had excellent audio cues for when your armor was being hit, and the visual cues are typically exploding panels and instruments, I think light color shifting and blinking would just get in the way of it all.
"your mom" cargo occupies 5 units

"your mom" is listed as cargo... and you'd get 5 cred for her on the market? Or is the 5 how many cargo units she occupies?

~~~, just imagining it.

40 tonnes grain
80 tonnes electronics
60 tonnes weapons
40 tonnes my momma's suitcase
(like she needs that many clothes for an overnight stay)
5 tonnes my big fat momma
1 tonnes my momma's big purse o'worthless junk

"damn momma... you realize that if I didn't need carry your wide load I might'a made a profit this trip?" Beat. "Hey? How'd my 40 tonnes of grain get turned into 40 tonnes of fertilizer? Damn it momma... I'm gonna sell ya to the first furball colony I see... you oughta keep them well feed well into the next century."
I believe that's quantity. The ship has 5 "your mom" in the manifest...

Anyways, about the lighting, I do think the red lights look much better. But I also like the idea of switching, though IMO it should be optional and player controlled (if available at all).
BattleFate said:
I believe that's quantity. The ship has 5 "your mom" in the manifest...

Anyways, about the lighting, I do think the red lights look much better. But I also like the idea of switching, though IMO it should be optional and player controlled (if available at all).

I like that idea. I also like the idea of having the red lights go on when in a fight.
I love what you did to the wiring. I think I prefere the red lighting if it has to be on all the time. It gives the feeling that your in a gunboat not a luxury liner.
IPhoenixI said:
I like that idea. I also like the idea of having the red lights go on when in a fight.

The idea of having the lights go red when in combat is awesome in my opinion. A "red alert" sort of warning when enemies show up. Very cool idea.