Hi I'm new, also howto get joystick to work?


Hello all, this is a great site and am glad I found it, i have always been a big fan of WC series games and am just getting back into them, diggin my games out of storage and givvin em a spin, of course i have many problems associated with running them all on a new machine, anyway, here is my first question for the forum. :)
I have Wing Commander Kilrathi Saga for Win 95, you know, it has all 3 kilrathi related games on a 5 disc set, So, I figure since it is made for Win 95 my joystick should work fine in WC3, but it isn't, it isn't being recognized at all, i select it in the config options while flying or on the victory but it has no effect. Real annoying, I am running WinME and am using a Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro, it has both a USB and regular gameport connector, but i can't use the regular gameport one cuz the SB Live's gameport sux and it can't handle my cpu (Athlon XP 1700+) So i am suspecting WC3 can't read USB joysticks.... anyone know for sure?
also, if this is the case, does anyone know if any company makes a PCI gameport card that can handle a fast processor?
I also have a CH Combat Stick, but can't use that either cuz it has a standard gameport connection and if anything is connected to the gameport on the SB Live it goes nuts.
heh, got it :)

i just plugged the sidewinder into the sb live, it is working now, strange, the CH doesn't work when attached to SB Live, it just goes nuts, constantly moves the ship all around, oh well, no biggie, works great on the sidewinder :)