Hell's Kitchen


Rear Admiral
So I went out and tried what WCX recommended for a 'Hell's Kitchen' in a previous thread (http://www.crius.net/zone/showthread.php?t=21713&highlight=hell's+kitchen):

1/3 cup Bourbon whiskey (Jack Daniel's or something like it)
1/3 cup Rye whisky (Jim Beam or something like it)
1/3 cup Corn whisky (Everclear or something like it)
1/8 tsp Tabasco sauce

And it's terrible. ;)
Not to mean that it shouldn't be, or that is wasn't they were drinking. It's just that there's better (see: more palatable) ways to hit your war-forgetting buzz and still keep the burn.

So I sat around one night after playing WC4 again and thought long and hard about it. If I was in the deep reaches of space watching my friends die around me, what would I drink to ease the pain? Therefore I present, for the forum's enjoyment, my idea of the Hell's Kitchen:

2 2/3 oz Drambuie
1 1/3 oz Fireball Whiskey
1 1/3 oz Southern Comfort
2/3 oz Crown Royal

Shake over ice. Forget about the war.
I know it's not a reddish hue, but that's pretty easy to fix. Comments?
It's telling that WCX's explanation of whiskeys misses the mark. Jim Beam is bourbon, not Rye, and Jack Daniel's is Tennessee whiskey, which is another kind of thing. As far as corn == everclear, well, no.

Making drinks is really difficult because nothing works the way you expect (see: Long Island Iced Tea,) but I think it's obvious the Hell's Kitchen is supposed to be a macho thing you drink to show off what a badass you are, so being terrible might actually be a design goal.

I guess you accounted for that already.

I'm too cheap and lazy to buy more than rum for to put in my Coke, but in concept, your concoction seems much more pleasant.
I will do my duty and beta test this thing... but I think I'd better wait until Friday night.
It's got some teeth, but they're pretty deceptive.
It's like getting hit by a dumbfire. You never actually think it's going to hit you, then bam... :)
Keep in mind - theres more than one way to skin a cat, just like theres more than one way to make one type of drink. Something very popular with the young kids usually has three or four ways of it being made, depending on the age of the bar and the age of the bartender.