Hats off to the UE Team


a great big THANK YOU to the UE team for such a remarkable gaming experience. I finally got to download and play UE Last night. At first I thought, come on, it can't be as good as the original. But I was wrong. I've even found myself whistling the UE theme while I was driving to work this morning. I am still shaking with the excitment of it all. If this is to be the future of Wing Commander then I would say that we're all in good hands. I really enjoyed flying that asteroid fighter against the bugs. That was so awesome.

P.S. Thanks for a wonderful Birthday present, a new Wing Commander Game.:D :D :D
Originally posted by Excelsis
a great big THANK YOU to the UE team for such a remarkable gaming experience. I finally got to download and play UE Last night. At first I thought, come on, it can't be as good as the original. But I was wrong. I've even found myself whistling the UE theme while I was driving to work this morning. I am still shaking with the excitment of it all.
Thanks, we all worked hard on this :)
I really enjoyed flying that asteroid fighter against the bugs. That was so awesome.
I am glad you like it, it's the mission I made. Took a lot of time and trial and error to figure out a way to code the mission so the aliens would behave right. It even required HCl to make new mission functions for me ! :p I also made it so that more than one parameter detemines how easy you are spotted by the aliens, to make it more realistic.
This is the kind of thing that we love to hear, makes it all seem worthwhile, makes it all the more likely we'll make a sequel :)
I ve only got as far as mission 4 but UE is full of little touches that make it seem really professional,
when the Border worlds boarded the Fralthi, and huge masses of Kilrathi fighters appeared, I was thinking yeah great, here we go The last thing I expected them to do was surrender!
Flying the Gratha, nice touch guys, even right down to the HUD being in Kilrathi.
The escort mission, that was huge, I thought, I'll just play one more mission and before I knew it it was half past one in the morning.
Can't wait to see what else you ve put in for us. ( I know the K'Ha'Haf is making an apperance from what I ve heard)

p.s. How many easter eggs are in there? I ve found the WC I bar, how many more are there?
p.p.s. Nice touch with Gratha dropping mines in front of you, I didn't see that one coming (lost my nose more than once)
Theres one more easter egg and no one has found it yet, mainly cos its effects are not obvious right away
Tell you what if no one has discovered it 2 months from now, at which point we won't be making Unknown Enemy 2 updates yet, then we'll post the information on it :)
Originally posted by Excelsis
I've even found myself whistling the UE theme while I was driving to work this morning.

Now that is some serious praise. Nice to hear the theme can be that catchy. Thank you. :)
Wow, no really I mean WOW!!!!!! God! This is a damned good mod, I've been coming to the UE site since nearly two years ago, but this year I went on the site every two days to check on it, I NEVER doubted you guys,(well, on one occasion I did) But that doesn't matter. The main point isn't just the gameplay, or the visuals, or managing to overcome the bugs and glitches, or the quite amazing download speed, it's the immense determination of getting the mod finished, and keeping the team together!


P.S. I never thought I would write a reply thats so long! Sorry I went on a bit there...:o
I love UE but I just can't get past that 3rd or 4th mission the one right after the first cutscene that the bugs show up. I don't get killed or anything but I always lose the base on the second return to it. I have real trouble with the scimitar so I use the Banshee. so My question is any advise on completing the mission without failing by losing the major things I'm suppose to defend against? :)
Firstly dang! Things in the General Forum get more traffic.

Secondly my advice is to go straight for the brown mantas (the bombers) and shot any torpedoes they launch.
Originally posted by Oggy
Nice touch with Gratha dropping mines in front of you, I didn't see that one coming (lost my nose more than once)
Meh, I find one of the ships (guess it must be the Gratha) drop mines all the time - they're even worse than the Rays (the ones with the Remoras)!
Re: Re: Hats off to the UE Team

Originally posted by Excelsis
I've even found myself whistling the UE theme while I was driving to work this morning.

Originally posted by Needaham45
Now that is some serious praise. Nice to hear the theme can be that catchy. Thank you. :)

same happend to me, the UE theme is really adictive, Congrag Needaham
LOL, actually I was playing the medley constantly before the release of this thing and humming it all the time and when I sat down to my piano I'd absently pluck out the tune without knowing what I was doing hehe... :D
A Secret Hotspot???

Hey, I found a secret hotspot!!!!!!!!! When you click on the window beside the EXIT window, you go to a cartoon room where you can talk to a guy called "Shotglass", and you have a cartoon simulator (but the inside is the same) !!!


Time :09:17am GMT
10th November 2002
Lots of us already knew that... That's the bar on the Tiger's Claw from Wing Commander 1.