Has anyone used the Mace in WC4?

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I liked using the starburst/coneburst to take out frigates in this one mission.
It was pretty effective.
well... this sorta "Area Effect" weaponry was developed further in Freespace 2

unfortunately, it still has rather few uses.

I used Starbursts as Mission End celebratory fireworks
Originally posted by Raptor
That can be to your advantage sometimes. In tougher missions like outrunning Ella, I often left the last leeched fighter intact to avoid fighting the follow up waves.

*sigh* never worked in Wc3. Leeched it, nothing happens. Gotta blow it up.

I wanna play Wc4 again to play it 'Price of Entertainment' way, leeching everything. Good thing I don't have the game with all my work right now...
Since Wc3 was the first WC I played I also fired off all my remaining missiles at the Victory or any other capships lying around. For some strange reason, I never really liked Ajax - it must have been the comm officer, so loved taking it out.
Originally posted by dacis2
no, really.
No, really, I meant that.

Originally posted by StarLight
For some strange reason, I never really liked Ajax - it must have been the comm officer, so loved taking it out.
I can't recall the Ajax talking. But then, I haven't played WC3 for months - still playing Privateer.
Originally posted by Wedge009
I can't recall the Ajax talking. But then, I haven't played WC3 for months - still playing Privateer.

it does, you just have to talk to it first
The snotty little 'no damage Colonel' and other Ajax-isms really got under my nerves. The only time I liked it was when I had to escort Ajax and Shefield (seperately). I would usually fly a Hellcat or Arrow, whatever the default was and I would come up against a cruiser which I think are worse than dreadnaughts simply because of how the guns are placed on teh ship and it is hard to find a section where you don't get shot at, not to mention the Anti matter guns. Anyway, Ajax would take it out for me...take a lot of damage itself and sometimes blew up. Why it didn't launch the cap-miss before engaging with turrets still puzzles me.
Well,maybe there were 100 reasons that we will never know :p

Maybe the tubes where damaged ,maybe they where out off capmissles .I dont know use your imagination
Originally posted by StarLight
Why it didn't launch the cap-miss before engaging with turrets still puzzles me.

The best capship - capship combat on WC games is done on WC2. The AI is vastly superior, as is the game system.
One amusing thing is that you could put yourself between the 2 Kilrathi capshios on the SO final mission and they would fire at you and hit the other ship. Stupid AI. Too bad that they woulnd't damage it other.
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
Well,maybe there were 100 reasons that we will never know :p

Maybe the tubes where damaged ,maybe they where out off capmissles .I dont know use your imagination

Can't be. They fire the capship missile usually right before the Cruiser is destroyed. Maybe it is the locking time, but why press on full throttle to engage with turrets when you can sit back, relax and wait for the tone?
Could that the Kilrathi cruiser's AI is to close in and use its heavy weapons. In that case, the Ajax might as well get its shots in while its waiting for the lock.

Best, Raptor
Perhaps the CSM can't be locked from a hojillion kilometers away... or perhaps you need to get in close to ensure that it won't be shot down.

The 'real' reason is, of course, that the CSM is the games capship battle ending cheat -- it's supposed to look like they're fighting a big impressive energy broadside which the Kilrathi lose... the CSM gets put in there to ensure that.
So, in WC3 at least, the CSM is a "special case" weapon that is scripted in? Like the one shot wonder that they put on the Midway?
Well, I have the impression that the capship battles of WC3 are indeed somewhat scripted.

But on some instances, true combat occurs on the game engine. On WC2, we the capships fighting with everything they have on different occasions. Both the destroyer and the concordia with different Kilrathi vessels.

On WC4, the "Outrun Ella" mission is quite impressive. If you don't take them out, the Intrepid will engage head on all three confed capships. It’s odd that they will only fight with the laser turrets – as the Fralthi vs Fralthi battle on WC1, but it’s impressive nonetheless.
Funny, I really can't remember capship missiles in WC3, aside from the skippers. Ack, showing signs of long-term withdrawal symptoms! :)
the victory launches two if you lose in the first nebula mission and don't kill the cat asteroid base
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