Hacking Wing Commander Prophecy DVD Subtitles



I know I'm a little maniac ( :D ) about this, and I was studing a way to fix those.

I've tried reverse engineering the original DLL, and I tought of an another way:

If I make srt files of the vob files, and use DirectVobSub, and deselect the originals subtitles, I see the custom subtitles! My problems are only two, now:

1)Can I extract from the files .ITA inside my language.tre the phrases and the timecodes?
2)Can I modify the .ITA files to remove the OLD subtitles, as new interfere with the older, and if I just disable the older I lose the in-flight subtitling? I've used the original WCP Dev CD, but, following the readme of subtiler, I can't open it because of a runtime error (extracted wve movies, copied data, 16-bit colors, etc...).

Thank you :)