Got a question for the fans about MFR


Vice Admiral
Well the Blue Midget Productions site is about ready to go up, I just have to secure some web space from my brother's company.
Any way, the first two levels of the first episode are well on their way. However, I've decided to add some Mandarin elements, mainly grafitti to mark their passage, and maybe a Mandarin flag of some sort.
So I'm looking for design suggestions. If anybody wants to design and lay down the artwork on their own let me know, I'm not that great of an artist.
Just put it together in a GIF format, that's what I need to import it to EditArt, and send it to me. There can be more than one design in a file, as long as the picture's size is not above 320x240, and the actually insignia should not be any bigger than 128 pixels square.