Ghorah Khar B4 WC2-Special Ops1 - HELP

Okay guys,

I've played every Wing Commander game and all of the expansions. THIS is the one mission I cannot beat in all 5 games.

This is the last mission on the winning path of Special Ops1 for WC2. You face off against 2 sartha, then 4 or 5 gothri + 2 Fralthra cruisers with you and 3 wingmen. Everytime I play this, I wipe out the escort, and usually my wingmen buy the farm. Then I take on 2 cruisers on my own, and EVERY DAMN TIME, I get wasted by the impossibly accurate anti matter guns from the cruisers.

The best I've done is take out one of the cruisers before the other one shot me down.

I have scoured the Internet, these forums and everywhere else...every FAQ tells what you have to do to beat this mission, but not a single one tells you HOW to beat it! Please, someone tell me how can you possibly beat this mission? The only guess I have is to somehow trick one cruiser into firing on the other.

If anyone can help out, I would be greatly appreciative. This is the mission that has laughed at me for some 13 years now! ;-)
I'm not sure if you've searched hard enough then. I've seen plenty of threads talking about this problem.

Some people like to make it so that one fraltha shoots the other one with its AMGs thereby causing damage as you mentioned. It is probably the most popular method and seems to work. You need to take your time with it and you should be able to nail it.

This is one of the hardest missions in the franchise so don't feel bad about having trouble with it. I'm sure all of us did at one point and still do whenever we replay it.
Very hard, but not at all impossible. I've attempted it many times and beaten it a few. When I have beaten it, the Fralthras fell to my torpedoes, not their own AMG's.

If a shot from one of them is going to hit you, try to dodge it without losing lock, but dodging it is always the first priority regardless. If you do lose it, try another run, and another one, and another if you have to - the cruisers aren't going anywhere. And remember to make good use of your remaining afterburner fuel, you're in a Sabre, not a Broadsword, so get in, let your fish go at 3,000, and get out fast!
Very hard, but not at all impossible. I've attempted it many times and beaten it a few. When I have beaten it, the Fralthras fell to my torpedoes, not their own AMG's.

If a shot from one of them is going to hit you, try to dodge it without losing lock, but dodging it is always the first priority regardless. If you do lose it, try another run, and another one, and another if you have to - the cruisers aren't going anywhere. And remember to make good use of your remaining afterburner fuel, you're in a Sabre, not a Broadsword, so get in, let your fish go at 3,000, and get out fast!

Yeah I always thought that was strange... a sabre... not a crossbow or a broadsword... you got a kilrathi task force coming at you and you dont send out bombers??

My method was to fly into what i called the hot zone... aka the place no one wants to be... aka right between the two cruisers... let them try to hit you with the antimatter guns, and quickly move when they fire... the cruisers will actually do most of the work for you. I actually had it once so that one cruiser destroyed the other, and the remaining cruiser was heavily damaged and took one torpedo to ice...

I DO NOT recommend this to rookies in the game... it takes time, a good sense of timing, a good sense of AMG speed, and good positioning to work. All of which take time to master.
You're operating out of Olympus Station. There was also a TCS Olympus supercruiser in Pilgrim Stars, but we've never seen an Olympia in WC.

yeah that was my bad, I meant the Olympus station... dont know why i keep messing up on the name...
I made a help thread about this very mission last year. It is indeed a challenge. Not much for it but to barrel in at afterburners and evade the AMG fire just enough so you don't lose your lock. Trick is get a lock when you're outside the range of their guns then fly in as fast as you can and let loose at 3000 or 2000 klicks or so. The cruiser will only be able to get one shot off at you if you're fast/lucky enough.

Incidentally, this happens to be one of my favorite missions in the series.
I love it when you make it through EVERYTHING, just to have your target tracking computer fail so your torpedos won't lock on. :mad:
Oh well yea, -that- sucks. Happened to me a few times on this mission. At that point you should just ram one of the cruisers and restart.