GameSpot Poll

Originally posted by Wedge009
Doesn't really matter, since - aside from the GBA port - nothing new is coming for WC, although if the GBA thing works well, hopefully it might generate some momentum. But I'm taking a wait-and-see approach.

There was no meaning placed on the fact that it was in any polls, I 'm just glad the little tyke is so highly regarded, and not just by us :)

Originally posted by Viper61

TV show?? Did I miss something?

I would guess that LOAF's comment is an explanation of what happened to Earthworm, although I'm not entirely certain. As for the WC TV show, everything we know can be summed up in the following sentence.
Point of No Return is going to release a Wing Commander TV show in the near future.

X-Com: UFO Defense - Excellent game, although a bit repetitive toward the end. I had a tendency to ignore most of the later UFO crashes unless I needed Elerium.
X-Com: Terror from the Deep - Never did get very far in this game. I recently restarted it using a slow down utility, but still had trouble with some parts of the game due to speed problems.
X-Com: Apocalypse - Interesting game, but never did quite recapture the feel. Those brain suckers pretty much ensured that if you didn't play in real-time, you were going to lose your squad. Still have the free walking bomb toy sitting on the dashboard of my car.
X-Com: Interceptor - Okay game, but suffered from the repetition factor to an even greater extent than did the tactical game.
X-Com: Enforcer - Never played it. Heard it wasn't very good.
X-Com: The First Invasion - Fun, quick little e-mail game that could be played with friends. Only a single copy was required per game. Not nearly the level of strategy as in a regular game of X-Com, but still fun. Unfortunately, it required a proprietary server managed by Microprose (Hasbro), and Ubi-Soft (iirc) killed the e-mail games servers when it bought Hasbro's software division.
X-Com: Alliance - A squad-based first person shooter that, while apparently close to completion, was never finished.
Civilization II: There's an X-Com themed scenario in the scenario pack.
The original X-com could be played for hours and hours and hours and hours and......

Terror from the Deep was exactly the same as the original, just they swiched the graphics and names of stuff around so it was underwater instead(seriously).

Apocalypse had a lot of promise, but Microprose ordered the game released before it was fully completed. Many features that were supposed to be in the game never were.

I never played Interceptor, but a month after it came out I saw it on sale in EB for $4.95, which is never a good sign, so I never bothered it.

Never even tried PBEM or Enforcer.

Alliance was supposed to be a realy good game, I remember watching the trailer on IGNpc, and it looked really neat, I don't know why it dissapeared though, kinda like Privateer Online.
Originally posted by Wildshot
Alliance was supposed to be a realy good game, I remember watching the trailer on IGNpc, and it looked really neat, I don't know why it dissapeared though, kinda like Privateer Online.

It sounded neat in concept, and the video looked good (although I never saw it larger than quarter-screen). The problem is that at the same time, I also heard background rumblings from other game players about the fact that the game wasn't going to be so good. I may have also heard something at one point about AI problems for your squadmates. Unfortunately, I don't know if there were serious problems with the game, if there were just a bunch of silly rumors floating around that had no basis, or if people were just upset with the X-Com name because of the way that Apocalypse and Interceptor had turned out.

The problem with Interceptor, imho, is when you stripped away the strategic component, and got down to the fighting (which, lets be frank, is the most interesting part of a game like this), it was just the same half-dozen missions over, and over, and over again. The terrain was pretty much non-existant (since its space), your pilots didn't have much individuality (understandable since they were just as generic as your squaddies in the tac games), and the only differences between missions were the fighters you brought along, and the specific fighters used by the aliens.
You could easily get just as much variety by taking the 30 seconds it took to set up a custom dogfight.
Games such as X-Wing and Freespace can get by without the pilots being individuals, but they also use some creativity in the missions that are taking place. Interceptor didn't really have that.
The mission types were:
Interception (you intercept alien fighters)
Base Relief (relieve a base under attack)
Colony Relief (similar to base relief)
Convoy Interception (intercept one of the alien convoys - there were about half a dozen alien convoys, and you'd keep seeing the exact same convoy until that particular convoy got through. The convoys themselves were part of the plotline.)
Base Assault (attack and destroy an alien base)
I think there were also convoy relief missions, although I don't recall.
Relieving the tedium just a bit were the occasional news reports, which sometimes had an effect on the game (one involved a pirate clan, while another involved a weapons dealer selling arms to the aliens), but generally, you couldn't even hurry these along. The story slowly built up until you received word that the cruicial base had been discovered, which you could then go assault or save (iirc, the pirates end up broadcasting an SOS when the aliens find them).
There were also some stories that didn't directly relate to the game. These included the discovery of a group of human/sectoid hybrids on Earth, along with one that related to the development (I think...) of a working AI android prototype (these stories related to the availability of those character types in Apocalypse). The other story that I recall concerned the discovery of clues that suggested one X-Com starship (the Patton, iirc) that was believed destroyed while on a mission decades earlier was instead hurled across the galaxy. That story was probably a tie-in to Alliance.
Originally posted by junior

I would guess that LOAF's comment is an explanation of what happened to Earthworm

That makes no sense :) It was a comment in response to Wedge saying that the GBA game is the only wing commander product currently in the works.
Why don't they be smart and make a new version of WCP on the computer? What made them decide on GBA, thats all I want to know. Don't murder me! :p

Originally posted by Naféasonto
Why don't they be smart and make a new version of WCP on the computer? What made them decide on GBA, thats all I want to know.
What do you mean "...made them decide on GBA..."? Who is the "them" in your mind? Raylight?

They're a developer that makes GBA games, that's what they do.
Heh, heh. So Hadrian lives in the Lesnick system. How does he afford the intersystem communication fees? :)

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
TV show.
Originally posted by TC
It was a comment in response to Wedge saying that the GBA game is the only Wing Commander product currently in the works.
Sorry, I meant new games, especially for the PC.

And ditto what Frosty said.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Heh, heh. So Hadrian lives in the Lesnick system. How does he afford the intersystem communication fees? :)

He can't. When was the last time you heard from Hadrian?