Game Remakes


Vice Admiral
I wonder, maybe somone can redo the original WC games. I mean like do the original cutscenes and interfaces but have the missions redone in the Vision engine like the one for WCP
Why would one want to do such a thing?
For the work involved you could as well do something original as Standoff or Unknown Enemy.
Sylvester said:
I wonder, maybe somone can redo the original WC games. I mean like do the original cutscenes and interfaces but have the missions redone in the Vision engine like the one for WCP

I think that's a great idea.

Concordia said:
I think that's a great idea.


Yeah, but don't you have to pay for Copyright and stuff to Origin (or whoever owns it now)?

On the other hand, I would prefer fighting aginst the cats rather than the bugs any day. With furballs, I felt connected to the story line. With bugs, I donno, something was missing. Maybe the fact that you don't see any bugs in WCP (except in the end). No, that can't be. In WC1, you also don't see the Kilrathi but it is still an amazing game.

Maybe in Kilrathi war, you are always fighting with other capital ships along your side. You were feeling that you are part of a big fleet. In WCP, there is only one ship, and thats it.

Well, I really donno :rolleyes:
unfortunately, some of us do not have freespace 2. However, I do think that the remake is a great idea.
I don't think it is. AFAIK you may only DL the engine, but not the actual game.
You can download the source code, at least, over at Descent Network. Don't ask me for the URL, though. If you want to compile an executable, you'll need the resources from the game itself (installation, CDs, whatever). MVE-capabilities and PXO excluded.
jerid13 said:

to play Wing Commander Saga it should be enough to have the demo installed

there was a link somewhere on the HLP:

after the launch of the new website I can not find it however. I guess, it has to be somewhere on the undersogs website. I have no intentions to post the url here. If you want you can send me a pm.

That version misses a few important files. You can get them here: (again HLP)
Well, it probably belongs to THQ now, which is the parent company of Volition, I believe.
The best thing that would come from someone (I don't care who) redoing The original WC Games, would be that there would be a new generation of WC Fans
You know I was just thinking about this the other day while playing WCP... How great the engine and effects are but how horrible the game IMHO is... I would really have liked to play the WC1/2 missions in the WCP universe, then i said to myself if UE and Standoff are possible, then WC1's relatively simple missions should be no problem, and I am very glad someone is doing this, or at least the talk is going. This is something I would pay money for in a store...
@Jeremy Reimer

If you want to redo WC1 in FS2 why not joining us (Wing Commander SAGA) as FREDer. You would get acsess to a our model libary which is growing nearly constantly. Well at the moment we are quite short on WC 1 Models, because we are focusing on WC3+4, but this section is nearly complett. WC2 also has allready some models and WC 1 will follow.
I think working together would be quite helpfull for all of us, don't you think?
gevatter Lars said:
@Jeremy Reimer

If you want to redo WC1 in FS2 why not joining us (Wing Commander SAGA) as FREDer. You would get acsess to a our model libary which is growing nearly constantly. Well at the moment we are quite short on WC 1 Models, because we are focusing on WC3+4, but this section is nearly complett. WC2 also has allready some models and WC 1 will follow.
I think working together would be quite helpfull for all of us, don't you think?

haven't we discussed this already? But, again, perhaps he has changed his mind. We'll see