Freelancer is better, sorry...

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alpha 1 dash 1

Hi guys,

I am not being rude, if you interpret this as rude, that is your problem.

If you want to enjoy the life of Privateer, buy 'Freelancer', it was made by microsoft (or someone else, the microsoft logo was on the package).

Anyway, it is about 1000 times better then privateer or this remake, you can get a heap of ships, the graphics ROCK, the controls are mouse only, but once you got used to it they were great, you had amazing cargo runs through whole new systems, there was even an alien system which was sureal to say the least.

I played, completed, and LOVED privateer 10 years ago when it was cutting edge, i lived it almost! but its 2005 guys, this game is a decade old, i would recomend Freelancer. i say this because i bought it last year and completed the set mission, then was able to play it online too, also, you can get mods that let you pilot the massive battlecruisers, etc. in general, if you want a modern amazing Privateer experience, take this comment on the chin and buy freenlancer. you will be happy i promise.

This remake has a long way to go, i would just get Freelancer and download a mod for it, it is much better then this remake at the moment.

You're being a fop, which may or may not have a distinct difference between rude and not rude.

I guess it's in the eye of the beholder. *shrugs and waves* Go play your game and let us old (or young) farts have our nostalgic moments in peace. :)
I don't understand why people make threads like this. Tastes vary.

This remake is an incredible effort. It obviously isn't supposed to feel completely modern, the remake team is taping into the retro joys of the original privateer. Judging by what they have already accomplished with this awesome remake, I can't wait to see what they do next.

If you enjoy Freelancer great, its definately a good game and in a similar vein but saying its better though on the freelancer remake forum obviously doesn't sound entirely polite. Especially as the remake was provided to you for free,

well i was a modder for the Excelcia mod for Freelancer. We run server for 2 years and had about 2000 users. I know about freelancer almsot everything. It's abilities and restrictions and such stuff. believe me Freelancer only has the good graphics. Other than that it's economic system, combat (original not modded) and so balance issues are leave to much to be desired. Privateer in that case (as well as the remake) is much better. Although Freelancer is a good and fun game, but it's too simple to compite with Privateer at the level of missions, upgrades, balance and economic system.
you would think this because you're probably a youngin' and know only shitty games. that's okay...we can forgive your age and indiscretions.

Brad Mick
No matter how good some of the aspects of freelancer are, I prefer any space based game with a first person view and real controls over it. Sorry, but diablo in space was a bad idea.
Both are good. I love freelancer but my first game was privateer. Granted I played WC and WC2 but not all the way through. So I have a strong bond with Priv. Nomatter what some fop says, youre all good in my book. Which will be availibe this Bastille D...Okay I dont have a book but still
I recently bought Freelancer to fool around with (after loving Starlancer) and even tried the WC Mod for Freelancer. I've also tried the Remake - and frankly, take out Freelancers Graphics, and that game has nothing.

The dialouge was poor, the sceneary was poor - it felt like every other space flight sim - the missions were poor, the plot was poor, the characters were poor.

Wing Commander on the other hand, has cheap graphics and it's Story is remarkable, the Gameplay is Remarkable, the Characters are remarkable, the same with the Privateer Remake.

Freelancer is the lamest excuse for a Privateer Style sim in exsistance and this is a FAR better representation of the Privateer type of gameplay.
I'd have to agree with the sentiments of several here regarding Freelancer (which was *not* made by Microsoft, btw). hurleybird puts it well, calling it "diablo in space".

It was fun, for a little while, but the economics, AI, physics, storyline... well, basically everything but the graphics sucked. I never played any of the mods, so they may have been totally sweet...

Probably the thing I remember the most about playing the original priv was the "pling" noise made by enemy weapons hitting your hull. Extremely unnerving, especially if you were stuck in a jump (this jump effect has, unfortunately, not made it into the remake). Certainly the best game sound effect I've ever heard.

Privateer also had one of the absolute best story-lines I've come across in a game. The plots, the twists, the "egg". How terrifying was it trying to make it back to safety after meeting the egg for the first time way out there, having to navigate through treacherous asteroid fields with the egg right on your tail (sadly, the asteroid fields also didn't make it in the remake, replaced by "Freelancer" style fields).

For economic model, X2 is one of the best, but story-line sucked.

Privateer2 was, well, not Privateer. Sad the way the real priv2 was dropped and another game already under development, The Darkening, was pushed in to replace it. The only reason I played it was because my computer at the time wouldn't play the original ;-). No, it was fun, but just not as good as priv, IMHO.

In the end, there haven't been a lot of Privateer-type (Elite-type, if you will) games and not a single one has hit the balance of a immersion, game-play, effects, economy, story etc. as well as Privateer (the add-on, Righteous Fire, added even more great gameplay).

Sure, the graphics (of the remake) are a bit dated, but this honestly doesn't bother me too much after a few hours of playing. Heck, I'm known to fire up a good game of Colonization every now and then ;-)
I think that the Militia needs at least draymen or corvettes as mobile refueling points, and the police WOULD need guided missile cruisers if the crooks had that kind of firepower. Some Italian police units use older milspec hardware in coastal areas when there are lots of highly organized smugglers. I see the Militia as something closer to a Coast Guard in organization than just a space police.
spiritplumber said:
I think that the Militia needs at least draymen or corvettes as mobile refueling points, and the police WOULD need guided missile cruisers if the crooks had that kind of firepower. Some Italian police units use older milspec hardware in coastal areas when there are lots of highly organized smugglers. I see the Militia as something closer to a Coast Guard in organization than just a space police.

woah, I think you might have posted that in the wrong topic ;)
Freelancer isn't Free. Vega Strike and Privateer Remake are by the community for the community (with a huge dollop of effort from the stalwart developers like hellcatv). It's more than a game. Expanding on that, you can't really contribute back to and improve Freelancer; you get what you're given. It's a commercial game made to make money. Whereas this is a game made because people love it. You just can't compare the two.

Come back in a couple of years time. Freelancer will be dead. This game will have evolved and improved beyond recognition. And you'll have missed it all. Playing the game is only half the fun.
I'd have to agree with the sentiments of several here regarding Freelancer (which was *not* made by Microsoft, btw). hurleybird puts it well, calling it "diablo in space".

Digital Anvil is a wholly owned Microsoft studio, and it has been for many years.

Privateer2 was, well, not Privateer. Sad the way the real priv2 was dropped and another game already under development, The Darkening, was pushed in to replace it. The only reason I played it was because my computer at the time wouldn't play the original ;-). No, it was fun, but just not as good as priv, IMHO.

We looked into this recently; it's an old story but not necessarily a true one. The game was actually proposed and initially developed as "Privateer 2: Darkside". It spent some time as a separate product (The Darkening), some time as a spinoff (Privateer: The Darkening) and ultimately wound up as the game we know.
Ever since I first played Privateer, way back when I have been searching for a, modern game that follows in its (or Elite's if you will) traditions.

The one of the closet experiences to Privateer is actually Escape Velocity, but being 2D it just can't offer what Privateer could.

While Privateer 2 tried to follow in it's footsteps it somehow fell short; and being in a completely seperate universe didn't help either.

Freelancer was close but to me it lacked on thing: mission variety. Every single non plot mission in Freelancer was go here kill this, thats it (well there might have been a few rescues). What freelancer really needed was 1. the ability to hire wingman, 2. assigned cargo missions, and 3. escort missions. Couldn't you just picture lining up in formation in a convoy and protecting it till it reached its destination. Sometimes you'd get attacked on your way to your desination, sometimes you wouldn't. IMO what would have really made Freelancer great would be if instead of a main plot every faction had a miniplot. So I can join a corperation, fly escort for them, take out thier competators, rise in rank etc.

The only other Elite like game to come out recently was X2: The Threat. I'll admit up front I am an avid X2 player; but it does have its issues. As fyodor mentioned the plot sucked (the worst thing being the character animations *cringe*). The ship variety within classes is not quite as good as it could be. Also, the combat is subpar (however it is actually on par, post the 1.4 patch). Worst of all though is not being able to land on planets. However the game had a great atmosphere (admitedly not as good as Privateer's). And its economy and freedom are unparalled; not to mention it's size (over 200 sectors). I mean the only thing the AI has that I can't have are shipyards; I can have everything else (stations, destroyers, carriers, everything; granted up untill the 1.4 patch you couldn't get trading stations or equipment docks, but you can now). Another great thing is the scripting system, especially getting scripts "signed" by Egosoft (the developer), so they are officially part of the game. X2 may have its weaknesses, but most of them are supposed to be fixed by the Expansion: X2 The Return. Including the ability to land on planets, 5 times the plot, improved combat, new ships, new mission types (more interactive), and a brand new interface! Hopefully it will help fill the void left by Pivateer.
Bandit LOAF said:
Digital Anvil is a wholly owned Microsoft studio, and it has been for many years.

4 and 3 months, to be exact.

The question, I guess, is how much actually changed from E3 1999 (where Freelancer was the star of the show, winning multiple awards)? Well, actually a year later even, since Microsoft didn't aquire Digitan Anvil until December 2000.

In any event, D.A. was never merged into Microsoft Game Studios; It remained a separate development lab. (DA had used MS to publish their games even before this, however).

We looked into this recently; it's an old story but not necessarily a true one. The game was actually proposed and initially developed as "Privateer 2: Darkside". It spent some time as a separate product (The Darkening), some time as a spinoff (Privateer: The Darkening) and ultimately wound up as the game we know.

I was pretty sure there were actually two distinct development teams working on a space combat/trade sim at the time. Well, it's been so long I won't pretend to even remember where I read about it ;-)
I am reminded of Priv 2 every time I play Vega Strike, admittedly the planetside locations do look similar :) Priv2 had nothing to do with WC tho...
sq_paradox said:
The one of the closet experiences to Privateer is actually Escape Velocity, but being 2D it just can't offer what Privateer could.

well.....privateer is 2d as just puts you in a cockpit instead of top down, and gives the illusion of 3d.
The question, I guess, is how much actually changed from E3 1999 (where Freelancer was the star of the show, winning multiple awards)? Well, actually a year later even, since Microsoft didn't aquire Digitan Anvil until December 2000.

A lot a lot a lot (G) They basically rebooted the development process after Chris Roberts left.

In any event, D.A. was never merged into Microsoft Game Studios; It remained a separate development lab. (DA had used MS to publish their games even before this, however).

Hmm, everyone I ever talk to from Digital Anvil signs their e-mails 'MGS'... and around town it's certainly refered to as "Microsoft Games" instead of Digital Anvil these days.

I was pretty sure there were actually two distinct development teams working on a space combat/trade sim at the time. Well, it's been so long I won't pretend to even remember where I read about it ;-)

You're thinking of "Privateer 2" as a project headed by Chris Roberts after Wing Commander IV. It was being done in Austin and was born and died between the start and release of Darkening.

Priv2 had nothing to do with WC tho...

Awwww, do we have to do this?
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Bandit LOAF said:
A lot a lot a lot (G) They basically rebooted the development process after Chris Roberts left.

I was not aware. Ok, feel free to call it an MS game then :(

(Considering FreeLancer mkI won award for best game in '99, maybe they *shouldn't* have "rebooted the process")

You're thinking of "Privateer 2" as a project headed by Chris Roberts after Wing Commander IV. It was being done in Austin and was born and died between the start and release of Darkening.

Yes, exactly, the game headed up by Chris Roberts before left and started Digital Anvil. (And not the UK-developed "The Darkening").
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