Freelancer help


What else is there to do once youve opened the ancient Hypergates. Do I just perform jobs or is there another story in the game?
No more story. Some quite interesting places however. It is worth to do a bit looking around.
Yeah, it's possible to get a few more hours out of the game, though it's pretty tough to stay interested. When it comes to that universe of possibilities that they promised, FreeLancer utterly fails to deliver.
If you have the possibility, rent it instead. You can finish the plot in about 12-15 hours.
Lionheart said:
So does that mean Freelancer is or isn't worth the money?
It depends on your interests. If you enjoy zipping around and visiting everywhere just for the heck of it, then life is good. If you want missions given to you, however, then you generally out of luck.

I’ll give you a little hint: if exploration is your thing, try getting on the good side of the Corsairs and explore their space very carefully.

Overall, i'd say its worth it.
Well, it's about $20-$30 cheaper than it used to be, depending on which store you go to, and that's really the only reason I've been considering getting it recently. Thanks for the advice, guys.