Flight Commander Release Approaches (September 29, 2004)

Yes, I'll put up more complete instructions on the web site this weekend, but its really simple to do. Get any 24 bit .bmp file that's 640x480. Open it up in mspaint and figure out where the rectangles should be for the mouse. Punch the name of the bmp file, as well as the rectangle coordinates into gameflow.xml in any text editor. Then resize the picure so its the same size as the current gameflow .bmp image.

As a general note, if anybody sends me campaigns or other enhancements to Flight commander, I'll be sure to put them in a spot on the website along with due credit.

Iceman16 said:
looks sweet, cant wait to get home and try it out now! one thing though, its teh same room as in WCSO, any chance of it getting changed just a bit? ( such as making it look like the briefing room from WCP? if I had a program that could do it, I'd help out right away but alas I have no such program.) looks great though!