First post and Question


Hi, I've been lurking on these boards for a few weeks now and I like what I've seen so far.

I've only played WC3, and enjoyed it quite a bit, especially the universe and ambiance, but that was quite a few years ago. Finding this site did bring back a lot of good memories...

However, no matter how much I liked WC3, my favorite-PC-game-ever was and is still Strike Commander -even though I haven't played it for years - and I'm a bit puzzled right now. I've searched the 'net for days to find a decent SC website, and haven't found anything even remotely looking like it. In fact, so far, the WC-CIC has been my most successful find (I nearly had a seizure when I listened to the SC mp3, after all those years)

So, I'd like to know, is there such a thing as an online Strike Commander community ?
Sadly, I've never come across communities for any of the 'one off' Origin games (Strike Commander, Wings of Glory, Cybermage, etc.). Even back in the day when Origin hosted their own forums the 'Other Games' zone was largely ignored.

It's a shame, because SC was a great game with a really neat backstory.
I used to play Strike Commander over my friend's house all the time, I could never get it working on my old DOS machine so my computer was mainly for Wing Commander 1 and 2 which is fine, since I liked them better anyway.

Strike Commander was an excellent game though, I agree. Most Origin classics are gone and forgotten and it is indeed a shame.
I just finished SC and TacOps. Cool game. Gotta use those MK82s! I was wondering about TacOps, are those missions just a bunch of stuff trimmed off of the original game and later marketed or something? I mean, it has such an abrupt ending that comes out of nowhere. Also there is an inherant lack of character dialogue. Another thing, for some reason when I'm flying the last mission on SC, I have to kill everything really fast or the game crashes repeatedly, any comments?
Bandit LOAF said:
It's a shame, because SC was a great game with a really neat backstory.
Yep. The SC backstory is right up there with the Crusader series backstory in terms of quality and depth. That was always the thing that impressed me the most about Origin games - they'd make a good, but fairly typical action game, and then they'd throw in a manual that turns it into a classic.
A few months ago, I was longing for more Strike Commander background material so I ordered the official strategy guide, hoping it would be as in-depth as the WC1/2 strategy guide in terms of universe, narrative, and fiction. Boy was I fucking dissapointed, it was a flight manual with just a bunch of half-ass combat tips glued on in the end.
Hehehehe, I know exactly what you mean - that Strike Commander hint book is weirdly focused on teaching people to fly F-16s.
So, to sum it up, except for the game itself, its manual, and a few reviews here and there, the amount of SC material - even fan generated one - is virtually nil, nothing, nada, rien, nichts... Is that it ?

Well, then I guess I've gotta find an old DOS based PC to get my SC fix... Maybe I'll even finish the damn game this time... (I've stopped a bit after Stern's death, no spoiler please !)
Strike Commander was just a fantastic game. Lots of neat missions and character interactions. Plus the idea of commanding a mercenary fighter squadron in a slightly future era is just plain cool.
I got it with a pc I got way back in the mid-90s, came on a cd with Priv/RF and SC and TacOps...
I've never played Strike Commander either. I remember when I had it on a CD along with some other games. It was one of the most difficult games for me to get working on my computer for some reason. I remember the graphics looking a lot like Privateer's though. Like when you're talking to someone face to face.
BigsWickDagger said:
Oh, no. You're kidding, right? I can see I'm gonna have to warm up the 486..... :D

Funny you should mention that. Just today I've managed to acquire an older machine. I think it's like a 60mhz Pentium. And the CD-ROM works in true dos and everything. So I'm getting all excited to play some old favorites again.
Shipgate said:
Funny you should mention that. Just today I've managed to acquire an older machine. I think it's like a 60mhz Pentium. And the CD-ROM works in true dos and everything. So I'm getting all excited to play some old favorites again.

The 486DX2-50 I've got is a Packard Bell (ugh!), complete with 4X CD-ROM and a Sound Blaster! I got it for free because it had been in a flood- no kidding! I dried it out, replaced the CMOS battery, added 12MB RAM, and I have a great WC/Privateer/Aces of the Pacific/Strike Commander box- until it quits on me. Knock on wood..... :cool: