Fighter technology advancement WC1-WC2

Originally posted by junior

The EU has a capital, and while some European nations might be a little annoyed that it wasn't in their country, there had to be a capital, and it couldn't be everywhere.

But don't the Europeans rotate the presidency amongst themselves or something like that?
Yeah, don't anger TC. Living so close to the border, I'd be one of the first to die if he decided to instigate a mass invasion. Then again, with the typical traffic on the Peace Bridge, Meson and I would probably have at least a few hours to escape...
Originally posted by Ladiesman^
Seems strange, but then again what other explanation would there be of Confed being so American?
Well, just think about where the creator of the WC universe comes from... then you know why :D
Alot of people seem to think Chris Roberts is British...why I couldn't tell you....

I was having an arguement with some Brit one time about Star Wars and Wing Commander. I made some comment about them being American, and this guy was like "You just think they're American because they're good...they're both British". I then laughed.

George Lucas and Chris Roberts are both from California....
Originally posted by TC
Don't make me beat you :(

Must resist.... MUST.....RESIST.....nnnnnnngh.....NNNNNNNNNGH!!

Yeah? YEAH? You and what army?

Originally posted by Ridgerunner

Must resist.... MUST.....RESIST.....nnnnnnngh.....NNNNNNNNNGH!!

Yeah? YEAH? You and what army?


Just his subunit of the Baron Von LOAF's Merry Guild....

Oh, and that big beating stick he has in his hand. :D It's all he needs.
NO NO NO! It's a dig on Canada. Get it? "What army?"

But seriously, as long as they keep their socialism to themselves, they're the best neighbors anyone could ask for.
Originally posted by Ridgerunner
NO NO NO! It's a dig on Canada. Get it? "What army?"

But seriously, as long as they keep their socialism to themselves, they're the best neighbors anyone could ask for.

I know the joke, but the only army we've got is our snipers. 2430 meters with two shots isn't something to sneeze at - the best record for a sniper shot was previously set by a Marine in Vietnam at 2500 yards, or 2286 meters in 1970.

See for details.

And I don't think we're really socialist anymore, or at least not under the recent two governments. Maybe very liberal conservatives, but definitely not socialist. At least the fact that the social support programs are disappearing argue against that...
Yeah, but where do you get most of your weapons, and weapons platforms, from? Patriotism asside, I know many good Canadians. It's just the way they run a few things cuts themselves off at the knees... like exporting oil only to import it back, tarrifs, lol... then again a lot of American's couldn't plant a garden if Martha Stewart showed them, soooo...

P.S. I am American, so don't tell me I don't know jack on the garden statement. The whole state I live in barely knows how to VOTE. (FL if you didn't get the joke...)
Originally posted by Haesslich

And I don't think we're really socialist anymore, or at least not under the recent two governments. Maybe very liberal conservatives, but definitely not socialist. At least the fact that the social support programs are disappearing argue against that...

Canada is Social Capitalist....most western nations are....nobody is true Capitalist, and few are true Socialists. Canada is closer to Socialist though, with the US being more towards Capitalist.
Originally posted by Ladiesman^

Canada is Social Capitalist....most western nations are....nobody is true Capitalist, and few are true Socialists. Canada is closer to Socialist though, with the US being more towards Capitalist.

Dude for "free" health care, one of the highest standards of living, one of the lowest infant death ratios, and on eof the highest ranked countries in prolonged life? You can call them whatever you want! They're still gonna live longer than us :).

Originally posted by Ridgerunner
Nothing is free. Even freedom isn't free.:(

notice anything around free? Oh yeah those are quotation marks, meaning "the words contained are not exactly meant as they are portrayed" :)
