Favorite Wingman?

He got more kills than you? What kind of pussy are you? I had to herd him into a kill. I had to weaken the bug for him, and then wait for him to finally muster the ability to kill it.
It's difficult, true, but there's also the mouse. If your computer doesn't have a mouse, you probably should be trying to play flight sims.
You never had a Commodore 64 did you ;) ? I think somewhere down the line a mouse became optional, but ah the good ol days of F-15 Strike Eagle on the C64 . . . how did we ever survive?

Nah, never had a commodore 64. My first computer was a Dell Dimensions P-75. That was in . . 94? The first WC game I owned for PC was WC3. Then WC2 Deluxe, then privateer. Then the diskette version of wc1 (I already had it on the super nintendo). Then I got Windows 95 and got the Kilrathi Saga.
Viper61 said:
You never had a Commodore 64 did you ;) ? I think somewhere down the line a mouse became optional, but ah the good ol days of F-15 Strike Eagle on the C64 . . . how did we ever survive?


I had the C64 mouse... that was pretty sweet... Of course, it was also rather useless. It was pretty much only good for GeOS, which was also pretty neat, but rather useless.
I first played Wing Commander 1 for the Sega CD, but I quickly got the PC version, and yeah, it was all keyboard for me. WC2 pissed me off because it was hard to do a diagonal, whereas i WC1 I could do diagonals all day.

Then came Wing Commander Armada.. that game has potential, but it takes sooo much memory to run under DOS, and again, with the keyboard its pretty rough. I ended up playing strategy mode a lot.

But WCP.. It aint exactly easy to follow around those ships even with a joystick, though its way easier than with the keyboard.
WCP has a neat flight engine that brings back some of the feel of wc1 and 2. I really liked it. I want a ferret in WCP.
Iceman was a little creepy, in my opinion. He was always cleaning that gun at the bar. Isn't there any rules against carrying a weapon in a public area like that? And especially a place that serves alcohol...
overmortal said:
WCP has a neat flight engine that brings back some of the feel of wc1 and 2. I really liked it. I want a ferret in WCP.

I want wingcritters that will actually hack their load.
Ah, my machine doesn't have the space for UE. Trust me, I tried. But, I'm sure I'd still do well in a Ferret, even if it's in another engine.

I do realize, of course, that "my" Ferret is the one presented in the WC2 flight engine. They just couldn't touch me . . . they might get that damned broadsword in mission three, but they couldn't touch ME.