Favorite WC1/2 missions?

Originally posted by Eder
Personally, I loved the Gwenhyvar(sp?) misson... from SM1, was it?
Same here... a very hard mission, but very nice nonetheless... Teaches you what kind of awesome ships the Rapiers are... from the enemy's point of view... :)
Eheh, the tactic I used when I played ithis mission again with Kilrathi Saga, was to continuously AB around the Exeter, and let the "amazing" enemy A.I. do the rest... The enemy Rapiers kept colliding with the capital ship, blowing up one after the other... in the end, the Gwenhyvar bought it too, and all I had left to fight were 2 damaged fighters... :D

My favorite in WC2 is any Broadsword mission. LOVE that ship! :)
Originally posted by pendell
Recovery Mission with Broadsword facing Ralatha and final mission of WC2: SO1(?) with 2 Fralthi:
I think you're right, it IS the final SO1 mission, though IIRC you get to fly Sabres, not Broadswords, which explains why you remember afterburning... ;-)
Besides, flying Sabres makes the mission much more diffult.