Favorite Enemy Pilot

Who is your favorite enemy pilot to fight / toast?

  • Flash

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • Maniac

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • Thrakath

    Votes: 16 30.2%
  • Hobbes

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Privateer aces

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Seether

    Votes: 6 11.3%
  • Vagabond

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Privateer 2 aces

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bhurak

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • Jazz

    Votes: 10 18.9%

  • Total voters
I think Flash deserved it the most to get toasted so I voted for him.

Killing Bhurak was the most difficult for the reasons Weasel mentioned.
I hated shooting down Hobbes whereas killing Jazz was alos very satisfying so he gets second place for me.
Prince Thrakkath in Wc3 in Crazy difficulty (which is my standar) is a pain in the ass.I have defeat him some times though.
Its the only part in the game where I put the difficulty less than "Crazy".:(
I also liked taking Maniac out in WC4, now that I'm thinking about it. (Wipe that damn smugness off his face for a second!)

And killing Flash-phst, I just sit there. He starts bashing on me for being slow and not moving, then when he charges-he can't avoid the missile. Too easy.

And the only time I even found Seether remotely difficult, was putting it on the highest difficulty setting. Even then, if you can read where/when he's going to cloak, you've got him beat.
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
Prince Thrakkath in Wc3 in Crazy difficulty (which is my standar) is a pain in the ass.I have defeat him some times though.
Its the only part in the game where I put the difficulty less than "Crazy".:(

Hmm IIRC if you decloak behind him and then ready a missile salvo at point-black range he isn't much of a problem.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
if you decloak behind him and then ready a missile salvo at point-black range he isn't much of a problem.

The Kilrathi would desintegrate you for that lack of honor.
Originally posted by Starkey

The Kilrathi would desintegrate you for that lack of honor.

Stealth isn't really something the Kilrathi seem to see as dishonourable.
Personally I would have to go with Seether because he is such a self-important bastard who sees himself as being superior to everyone in the universe. Thrakath isn't that bad. At least he has respect for a talented fighter pilot. Seether doesn't. Seether has no respect for anybody.
Originally posted by Starkey

The Kilrathi would desintegrate you for that lack of honor.

Like TC said: The Kilrathi appreciate surprise attacks, you can read that in AS.

And since I am playing as human in WC3, what keeps me from being dishonourable? :)
Flash might have been challenging, but he was simply an obnoxious crewmate rather tha a true enemy, so I didn't take all that much satisfaction from toasting him. For sheer satisfaction, I would have to go with taking down Seether. Apart from being someone you could truly hate, he was also supposed to be the epitome of the Master Race.

Best, Raptor
I never was real big on taking down Hobbes. He was basically my wingman 90-95% of the time, and was a damn fine pilot/friend-so even when he betrayed everyone, I still didn't like taking him down. (Not that my misgivings stopped me, however. :) )
Originally posted by Raptor
Flash might have been challenging, but he was simply an obnoxious crewmate rather tha a true enemy, so I didn't take all that much satisfaction from toasting him. For sheer satisfaction, I would have to go with taking down Seether. Apart from being someone you could truly hate, he was also supposed to be the epitome of the Master Race.

Tolwyn: He is excellence personified. He is--

Blair: He is DEAD.


As for Flash, my take on him is that he was supposed to be very much like Maniac--very boastful and only able to get away with it because he was almost as good as he thought he was. I wouldn't be surprised if Flash aspired to being the next Maniac.
Originally posted by Skyfire
I never was real big on taking down Hobbes. He was basically my wingman 90-95% of the time, and was a damn fine pilot/friend-so even when he betrayed everyone, I still didn't like taking him down. (Not that my misgivings stopped me, however. :) )

Yeah I liked Hobbes. Too bad he turned out to be an Imperial plant. I always try to make his death quick when I fight him.
I normally don't go after Hobbes... ever now and then i do b/c i like the way Blair says "Revenge"... Seether was a great opponent due to the fact that he was supposed to be the very best and that ome ofthe GE blood came from Blair made it even better... known that you could never make someone as great as Blair... Flash was just annoying but you kinda need that extra pilot on the Victory so i like shooting him down.... I can't justify shooting down Maniac... he's the maniac...
Nuke 'em!

Well, I certainly want to toast the Prince. I felt robbed in WC3 because I felt the prince was a little bit too easy to kill. I fired of a load of missiles at him and roasted him... :o Unforunately, I cannot get to fight him in a game engine like WC:Prophecy where the combat could be a little more realistic and what not...