Favorite Carrier


  • Tiger's Claw

    Votes: 12 21.8%
  • Concordia

    Votes: 11 20.0%
  • Gettysburg

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • [i]Bonnie Heather[/i] :p

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Victory

    Votes: 10 18.2%
  • Lexingon

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Intrepid

    Votes: 3 5.5%
  • Midway

    Votes: 8 14.5%
  • Tarawa

    Votes: 4 7.3%
  • Something else

    Votes: 3 5.5%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Thymerlord

Lounge,Barracks,Briefing room,and you went to the Colonel's office when you got promoted,I may have missed a few.

Well you could check out your medals in your locker and of course that nice poster in SM2 :).
Originally posted by mpanty
Bob, for God's sake, use sensible thread titles... :rolleyes:
Hopefully an admin will edit it...

What is this word, 'sensible'? :confused:

Of course I voted Connie. 150% :cool:

Originally posted by TC
What do you have against Super Wing Commander? :(


Let's see....

The Terren Confederation is Soviet. Apparently, in SWC's alternate dimension, Sputnik paved the way for communism in space. The uniforms sucked. Not only that but they were boring to boot. No devices. Although they had a nice communist red lining!

The characters' cosmetic looks were for the worse. Angel and Spirit looked exotic, whilst Paladin had a curly mustachio, crew cut AND AN EYE-PATCH! AGH! Paladin's a space pirate now??

Maniac looked gay... and sounded like a crackhead on pot doing a Jack Nicholson impersonation. Halcyon looked like a football coach.

The music was remixed. Boo! Also, the famous "running to your ship," with music was replaced with "bouncing in an airlock to a station to get your space suit grafted on in a Terminator-mold meet the Centurions fashion and hopping into a cockpit which loaded in the ship a la Space: Above and Beyond."

In order to communicate, I had to first referrence my "on-board computer." Load time's a bitch in the middle of a kat-fight!

The dialogue was poorly acted ("Hey... Maverick... you got... FOUR... furballs...!"). Also, Bluehair's name was Armstrong. Ugh. The ship desgins looked terrible too. They were so... un-Wing Commander! The worst straw was to make the Scimitar into the Confed Banshee. The only ship change for the better was the Hornet....

Now, I understand that some of my gripes had to do with the fact that the game came out before WC3 and was limited by the times. However, it still sucks and is a shame next to the original Wing Commander. What were they thinking?? Oh yeah- $$$

Originally posted by Col.Dom


Let's see....

The Terren Confederation is Soviet. Apparently, in SWC's alternate dimension, Sputnik paved the way for communism in space. The uniforms sucked. Not only that but they were boring to boot. No devices. Although they had a nice communist red lining!

Everything that's red is communist!

The characters' cosmetic looks were for the worse. Angel and Spirit looked exotic, whilst Paladin had a curly mustachio, crew cut AND AN EYE-PATCH! AGH! Paladin's a space pirate now??

I'm not sure why Angel and Spirit being exotic is bad... and space pirates are funny.

Maniac looked gay... and sounded like a crackhead on pot doing a Jack Nicholson impersonation. Halcyon looked like a football coach.

Maniac certainly did look sane with red spinning things in his eyes!

The music was remixed. Boo! Also, the famous "running to your ship," with music was replaced with "bouncing in an airlock to a station to get your space suit grafted on in a Terminator-mold meet the Centurions fashion and hopping into a cockpit which loaded in the ship a la Space: Above and Beyond."

I loved the launch sequence...

In order to communicate, I had to first referrence my "on-board computer." Load time's a bitch in the middle of a kat-fight!

Part of that's because they needed to cut down the number of controls.

The dialogue was poorly acted ("Hey... Maverick... you got... FOUR... furballs...!").

Yeah, all that early speech in games was great! Splicing numbers into speech is *easy*. There are reasons that the other early games used text. The fact that there *was* speech counts for a plus for me.

Also, Bluehair's name was Armstrong.

I'm not sure why that's bad...

Now, I understand that some of my gripes had to do with the fact that the game came out before WC3 and was limited by the times. However, it still sucks and is a shame next to the original Wing Commander. What were they thinking?? Oh yeah- $$$

Yep, the other Wing Commander games weren't for money! And completely remaking a game for alternate systems is much cheaper than just porting the old one!

Originally posted by Happy
mainly as it was the 1st WC game i played.:(

You and I both, than, Mr. Happy. My first Wing Commander experience was with Wing Commander III on the 3DO in a Software Etc. I soon after bought a 3DO just for Wing Commander III.
The characters' cosmetic looks were for the worse. Angel and Spirit looked exotic, whilst Paladin had a curly mustachio, crew cut AND AN EYE-PATCH! AGH! Paladin's a space pirate now??

In the same sense that I'm a space-pirate, yes.

The music was remixed. Boo! Also, the famous "running to your ship," with music was replaced with "bouncing in an airlock to a station to get your space suit grafted on in a Terminator-mold meet the Centurions fashion and hopping into a cockpit which loaded in the ship a la Space: Above and Beyond."

A port of Wing 1 where the music is different?! I can't imagine that would ever happen... Amiga, FM Towns, SNES, Sega CD, SWC, Kilrathi Saga... six times!

The dialogue was poorly acted ("Hey... Maverick... you got... FOUR... furballs...!"). Also, Bluehair's name was Armstrong. Ugh. The ship desgins looked terrible too. They were so... un-Wing Commander! The worst straw was to make the Scimitar into the Confed Banshee. The only ship change for the better was the Hornet....

The ships were un-Wing Commandery and... yet the got copied and used as other Wing Commander ships in the following two games. :)?

Armstrong beats 'Hotshot'.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
In the same sense that I'm a space-pirate, yes.

That would be more convincing if I didn't know of you're shady past... does the name Tayla ring a bell!

(and if you say it's smuggling, not pirating, you'll make me very very sad)
Space Pirates

LOAF's a space pirate!? He smuggled g00ds through space? Who is Tayla? Is she, like, an Emeraldas type? LOAF's a space pirate!? Whoa.... Have I asked too many questions already...?

Ah well. I wouldn't mind being a space pirate. In fact, I think it'd be fun :D

Let's go knock over an Exeter! YEAH!!

Oh yeah, btw- Panther ran with pirates & privateers. Look how she turned out. So frickin' good :cool: