Every Wingnut Needs Star*Soldier (July 8, 2012)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Do the poll options above look more like gibberish than fearsome kats? In addition to the novels and card game, Star*Soldier mentions many of the Empire's greats. The amazing game manual for Wing Commander Arena is a trove of information on the current state of the WC universe. From the perspective of the frontier in the year 2701, it tells the story of the Nephilim War and much more. The book is a free download and absolutely everyone should have it. Grab it right here (7.7 meg PDF)! Our Star*Soldier Gloss feature also has commentary from the writers and designers for all 60+ pages. The
Art of Wing Commander Arena provides a further glimpse at the game with dozens of cool concept art images.

Original update published on July 8, 2012
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