Evading Missles


I was playing prophecy GBA last night and seemed to have trouble evading Manta missles, usually what I did in prophecy PC was afterburn, drop decoy and make clearing turns 90 deg right, left. That would shake them, but i seem to be getting my ass whooped.

I think it might be my speed, not sure, usually i engage at 500 kps, and slow behind an enemy, then blat em, then speed off to do the same again.

Can someone maybe point my fault?, i'm gettin frustrated....
Yeah, I've been having similar experiences.. I've just tried to be more evasive in my regular flying so as to avoid the initial locks. Although it's generally against WC doctrine, when it's really thick, I try damaging one target, moving onto another, and another.. then going back and finishing targets off once everyone is limping a little.
Good advice, I'll try that tonight, but i always run into the problem that my wingmen suck ass and die right away, and i'm left with you know what hanging in the wind, and get pummled by manta
I've been getting insane missile locks in WC:PA. I've literally dropped 6 decoys and still gotten hit. I'm currently stuck on the mission where you save the LC that has Maniac's downed wingman. I just can't seem to save it!
In the PC version I generally fire off a couple of Pilum FoFs (while racing towards the ejection pod/Devil Ray). That generally helps to distract some of the attackers attention. Unfortunately I haven't played the GBA version so it may well not apply.

On a side note, are the plots of the pc version and the GBA version similar? I know the basics are the same but what about individual missions?
Everyone seems to note that WCPA is much harder - is there a difficulty setting you can adjust as in the original?
You can adjust the difficulty.

I've also noticed that FoF missiles only lock onto targets ahead of you, instead of the closest fighter around you.
Originally posted by jammyo2k
On a side note, are the plots of the pc version and the GBA version similar? I know the basics are the same but what about individual missions?

They merely cut a couple missions out of the GBA version.

Originally posted by LeHah
I've been getting insane missile locks in WC:PA. I've literally dropped 6 decoys and still gotten hit. I'm currently stuck on the mission where you save the LC that has Maniac's downed wingman. I just can't seem to save it!

Yeah, that one took me a while. There's only 4 enemies though.. and you have twelve missile. Sometimes they can kill the shuttle in 30 seconds or so though.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Everyone seems to note that WCPA is much harder - is there a difficulty setting you can adjust as in the original?

I think WCPA seems harder because of all the little extra features that WCP had over WC2 that have been removed to save on the processor workload. Namely: autoslide, adjustable power levels, full guns, etc. Flying without these things after being used to them can put a crimp in your playing style.
Originally posted by ChrisReid
Yeah, that one took me a while. There's only 4 enemies though.. and you have twelve missile. Sometimes they can kill the shuttle in 30 seconds or so though.

I was playing that mission during work yesterday and almost threw the damned thing in disgust. I had just entered the fray and literally 5 seconds into it, the LC was dusted. Ouch.
I found that my usual tactic (punching afterburner and turning toward the missile while screaming like a little girl) didn't work since you can't actually see the missile on your radar.

So generally I just hit the chaff button several times while screaming like a little girl. Why couldn't they have made it the shoulder button or something?
Originally posted by Bob McDob
I found that my usual tactic (punching afterburner and turning toward the missile while screaming like a little girl) didn't work since you can't actually see the missile on your radar.

So generally I just hit the chaff button several times while screaming like a little girl. Why couldn't they have made it the shoulder button or something?
Do you often die screaming like a little girl too? ;) I find myself uttering 4 letter words in quick succession (especially in WC4 when a missile will do you in) with no pauses. I'm sure my wingmen would love to hear "DamnDamnDamnDamnDamnDamnDamnDamnDamnDamn" or such over the comms in an engagement.
Can you break missile locks in WC:PA by jinxing the missile? Or do you have to rely mostly on decoys?

Dunno, I just hit the decoys. Usually you see the missile whizz past you after that, missing you by a couple of meters. Missiles are a lot deadlier in this game.
So, is the " Save the LC " getting as bad as the " Save the Ralari " from WC1?

*chuckles* Good Lord that one chaps my butt every time I play it.
Just how in some games missles do crap to you, but in others, it they beats the crap. Sorry TC, I have a different sense of humor.
Ironic, perhaps, though I don't know if I'd call it funny.

And I doubt any mission can be as difficult as the "Save the Ralari" mission.
Originally posted by T8H3X11
But in WCI-WCIV missiles are, when locked on, 100% fatal.
I always felt that fighter to fighter missiles were quite useless in WC1/2. They're lethal in WC4, but in WCP, heavier Nephilim fighters like the Manta and the Devil Ray can take quite a few missiles before going into the blackness.