Edon mission bugs


  • While doing the War, Pestilence and Death sweep, this pirate comes up with a message. But as he's about to say where to meet his boss, a militia guy speaking far more loudly, says "Let me know if you hit trouble in my quad". Luckily I remembered where to go, from years ago... :eek: (psst: for those who might miss it: Capella.)
  • At the pirate base in Capella, the informant's speech fills the whole screen but still doesn't make it: The last part (where to go) is gone, irretrievably. Trying to speak to him again has no effect. Luckily I remembered where to go (psst: for those stuck here, he's programmed a new jump-point to Edon from Valhalla, into your nav computer.)
  • After landing on Edon, armed with the tip about the beautiful grey moon, you take off, but there's no grey moon. There's an orange star, so I thought maybe someone didn't know the difference, but after 3 or 4 minutes, nothing was showing up, so I selected the jump-point to Valhalla, with a plan to continue straight the other way, but on the way to the jump-point I meet MJ. He speaks too fast, but then again they all seem to speak fast in space. (Must be a default time-compression.:)
  • There was a field of asteroids in the original, that MJ flies through, trying to escape; and nearby there was a jump to Rikel, which I didn't see this time.
  • After destroying all the retros and MJ's 'turion, you find there's merchants merrily passing by, saying "how's business?" :) Well, maybe McDonnald's and such got wind of Edon before Privateer gets there...
I'd beg to differ, but I'm confused - all the time I thought it was EDOM, and I've seen it listed that way on Wedge's site as well as on some others (classicgaming.cc; several fanmade maps). But the maps in the CIC list it as EDEN.

Requesting assistance...
My apollogies.

Update: I went to Rikel, looking for the other end of the jump-point from Eden, and it just isn't there.
dan_w said:
  • While doing the War, Pestilence and Death sweep, this pirate comes up with a message. But as he's about to say where to meet his boss, a militia guy speaking far more loudly, says "Let me know if you hit trouble in my quad". Luckily I remembered where to go, from years ago... :eek: (psst: for those who might miss it: Capella.)
  • Or use pageup to scroll up through the messages until you get the text version of the pirate's message. Funny problem though :D
    [*]At the pirate base in Capella, the informant's speech fills the whole screen but still doesn't make it: The last part (where to go) is gone, irretrievably.
    What resolution are you playing at? A problem to be sure. We should scroll the text, or erase it and start at the top again or something.
  • After landing on Edon, armed with the tip about the beautiful grey moon, you take off, but there's no grey moon. There's an orange star, so I thought maybe someone didn't know the difference[/quote] LOL. that mission isn't quite polished yet. An actual grey moon will be put in at some point.

At first I had put it at my normal desktop res: 1280x1024, but then the Privateer screen occupied a small rectangle in the middle, so I changed to 800x600 and that solved that. Linux version, by the way.
I want to reiterate the point about the new jump-point between Rikel and Eden. It's important it be there. The first time I played RF, my Centurion was soooo battered after the Eden fight...
  • My armor was down to a thin line on the left side, nothing on top, bottom or right side.
  • Three of my four guns were gone.
  • Hardly anything electrical worked any more.
  • My shields were a distant memory.
  • I could fly at about 50, and turn right slowly.
  • I could NOT turn left, up or down, only right and roll.
I thought I'd never make it back. Then I see this blue ball in the distance, and start wondering what jump point that is. I look at my map, and it isn't there. Took me a long time to get there; and I jumped, and found myself in Rikel. Slowly I made my way to the jump to nearby New Detroit, barely making it between asteroids with only right turn and roll, but I made it back to New Detroit, and here I am, alive! ;-)
I couldn't have made it back through Valhalla, with retros spawning there, and pirates where not.