Editing vegastrike.config question


Okay, this is probably a dumb question, but when editing this file manually, how do you comment out lines? I'm trying to get my Logitech Digital Extreme 3D joystick to NOT automatically run the afterburner all the time. As best I can tell, the .config file that I've got is set to activate a/b whenever the hatswitch is centered. Sorry, but that's just silly.
Thanks! I'm old fashioned, I guess. Too used to *nix config files and the plain ol' # to comment out lines . . .

For anyone else following along, I'm trying to get my joystick to work with OS X; of course Logitech is no help whatsoever unless you're running some flavor of Windows.
Just for background, joysticks have long given the vegastrike engine grief, since the only joystick coder dissappeared some time ago. Some glaring problems have been fixed, but the offer is open if anyone wants to work on the source.
if you could find some sort of joystick configuration utility or install OS X 10.2

for some reason apple broke it in 10.3
my 10.2 still works with joystick and vega strike
Damn, I was afraid of that. Thanks for the info, though. I am way too used to 10.3 to ever go back - I use Expose dozens of times per hour every single working day, plus File Vault and a few other nifty 10.3 features - hell, I'm not sure my new G4 PowerBook will even work properly with 10.2 - I doubt Bluetooth would work at all, for instance. And of course Logitech doesn't seem to have drivers or configuration utilities for OS X at all but I'll dig around their site some more.

One interesting side effect of my experiments last night is that I found out that when you control a moderately-upgraded Tarsus with a Logitech Digital Extreme 3D jostick on OS X, it will accelerate up to around 1200 kips! Of course, it drains your energy down to zero in no time but due to that glitch in VegaStrike, although you can't get much juice for your guns or to recharge your shields, you can keep running like hell right through a system! :)