Dragoncon 2005 looked incredible!!!


I've been perusing the photo gallery thus far and it looks like you guys really enjoyed yourselves at Dragoncon. I would have loved to been there but maybe next year. Can't wait to see the rest of the photos!!!
Yeah, it was super great. It went the fastest and I had the most fun. I wish I was still there.
Did you guys get a chance to play Frosty's Doom game? I had seen it come out some time ago but couldn't bring myself to buy it afraid that it would play poorly. However, it's made by fantasy flight games which created Twilight Imperium (see my other thread on that :) ) so I was curious to see if anyone had a chance to play it.
Nope, last year we spent a million hours in the hotel playing the Wing Commander card game, so I figured we'd have lots of time for that stuff this year. We were so busy doing things however, that we didn't crack open a deck during the whole ten days that I was out. We had Armada on the laptops and were looking to get various board games, but we never got a chance to try any of that stuff. I'm not really sure exactly what we did, but it was a lot of fun. We went to a few more panels and went swimming a couple times. I guess the pictures demonstrate it a little bit, but somehow it'd be like 10 pm and then we'd be running around, and suddenly it was 8 am.
Mental note for the future, all this Dragon con chat and the photos I seen, puts some of the expo here in australia to shame. I have to go over there and have a look myself and experience the "American Way"
There's different types of conventions here. DragonCon is a pretty good fantasy/science-fiction one, but it's not the only model for huge conventions to follow. There are video game shows that are entirely oriented around huge halls full of endless kiosks and displays (like E3). There are also more tight and focused science fiction conventions with a more structured program and formal outline (like a classic star trek convention). DragonCon actually leans a bit more to the "fantasy' side of things, so you'll find music concerts and goth-centric events instead of more prevalent gaming options (that'd we'd probably prefer) that you might see elsewhere (like Gencon).
DC is held only in Atlanta. For a good bit of time now, the Hyatt Regency and Marriott Marquis have been the "core" host hotels, with occasionally other places used as well (previously the Apparel Mart [big convention center type place], this year the Hilton [just registration, though]).

Frankly, though, I wouldn't shed any tears if the Hyatt was dropped as a host hotel. The traffic flow during the busy periods sucks (to the point of the ATL Fire Marshall ordering the "wander around and gawk" level shut down due to the mass of people causing a fire hazard on Saturday night), and the security staff are frequently dicks.
DC is held only in Atlanta. For a good bit of time now, the Hyatt Regency and Marriott Marquis have been the "core" host hotels, with occasionally other places used as well (previously the Apparel Mart [big convention center type place], this year the Hilton [just registration, though]).

Frankly, though, I wouldn't shed any tears if the Hyatt was dropped as a host hotel. The traffic flow during the busy periods sucks (to the point of the ATL Fire Marshall ordering the "wander around and gawk" level shut down due to the mass of people causing a fire hazard on Saturday night), and the security staff are frequently dicks.

Sounds like a lot of organisation and stuff, but then I suppose it is worth if people want to go and have a nice time and all.
All the stuff mentioning about the host hotel and all won't mean a thing to me unless I fly over there from Down Under. Otherwise I have to keep in mind when (if I decide) I go over.
The good thing about going over there, is there I have friend who recently go married to an American girl moved over there so I know where to go if I need a place to crash and all