I downloaded the new DOSBox version 0.70 and tried Privateer 1.
To my surprise the game runs very fluently and the auto-core and auto-cycle
feature works great.
Nevertheless I have found one problem.
The music slows down because of missing joystick. I enabled joysticktype=2axis
and made a fake file joya.dat to pass the calibration.
(I use mouse for playing the game instead of joystick, as I don't have one and
don't need (Freelancer player ).)
The music speed is OK now, but the cursor keeps on moving to the right
all the time.
I ask those who play with joystick to send me a proper calibrated joya.dat
file in order to solve this cursor problem.
According to Origin Tech help for Privateer 1 this cursor moving is caused
due to the missing joystick and this causes a "keyboard buffer overflow"
How do you solve this problem when you don't have a joystick?
The same problem appears in the older versions of DOSBox.
I ask you for the correct file joya.dat which is calibrated by a joystick.
I downloaded the new DOSBox version 0.70 and tried Privateer 1.
To my surprise the game runs very fluently and the auto-core and auto-cycle
feature works great.
Nevertheless I have found one problem.
The music slows down because of missing joystick. I enabled joysticktype=2axis
and made a fake file joya.dat to pass the calibration.
(I use mouse for playing the game instead of joystick, as I don't have one and
don't need (Freelancer player ).)
The music speed is OK now, but the cursor keeps on moving to the right
all the time.
I ask those who play with joystick to send me a proper calibrated joya.dat
file in order to solve this cursor problem.
According to Origin Tech help for Privateer 1 this cursor moving is caused
due to the missing joystick and this causes a "keyboard buffer overflow"
How do you solve this problem when you don't have a joystick?
The same problem appears in the older versions of DOSBox.
I ask you for the correct file joya.dat which is calibrated by a joystick.