DOSBox 0.70 - Privateer 1 - joya.dat for joystick


1st Lieutenant

I downloaded the new DOSBox version 0.70 and tried Privateer 1.
To my surprise the game runs very fluently and the auto-core and auto-cycle
feature works great.

Nevertheless I have found one problem.

The music slows down because of missing joystick. I enabled joysticktype=2axis
and made a fake file joya.dat to pass the calibration.

(I use mouse for playing the game instead of joystick, as I don't have one and
don't need (Freelancer player:D ).)

The music speed is OK now, but the cursor keeps on moving to the right
all the time.

I ask those who play with joystick to send me a proper calibrated joya.dat
file in order to solve this cursor problem.

According to Origin Tech help for Privateer 1 this cursor moving is caused
due to the missing joystick and this causes a "keyboard buffer overflow" :rolleyes:

How do you solve this problem when you don't have a joystick?
The same problem appears in the older versions of DOSBox.

I ask you for the correct file joya.dat which is calibrated by a joystick.

Here is my Joya.dat, however to get it uploaded I had to change the extension to it. When you download it just right click and save target as and change the Extension back to .dat. You can try this one and see if it works, if not maybe another members will.
Thank you for the quick reply and the file.
Now the cursor moves instantly to the bottom right corner.

There must be another solution to this problem.
Hold on a second, this could be my old file from before i bought my new Joystick. Let me try calibrateing the new joystick and see what happens. I'll repost the File in a few seconds.

I thank you for your instant help. The second file did solve the problems with
the cursors. Music plays now at normal speed and the game is much more fluent.

These settings work best.

timed=false (In this case important to set to false, otherwise cursor moves)

Once again, I thank you for your help.
Hello! I just wanted to say that I was having some problems with the joystick when trying to play Privateer and that I had to alter DOSBox's joystick settings to what Paulovic has listed in order to get it to work. What was happening to me was that the instant that I started the game, it skipped the intro and went directly to asking me to calibrate joystick two (I only have one joystick) and the program would stall. Anyone else having a similar problem would be well-served to set their "joysticktype" to "2axis" and "timed" to "false" in their DOSBox.conf file.

Perhaps this is common knowledge posted elsewhere, but in case it isn't I hope that this thread can help others as it has helped me to play the great Privateer again.

Thank you!
Wing Commander Privateer won't let me play unless I Calibrate a second joystick?

I Calibrated my Xbox 360 Wireless Controller with Privateer using DOSBox on
Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbons, but now DOSBox wants me to Calibrate a second joystick
which I don't have, and I just want to play as a single player.
Does Wing Commander Privateer support two players?,
because I thought it was a one player game only.
Just in case you wondered how I was able to get my Xbox 360 Wireless controller worki

Just in case you wondered how I was able to get my Xbox 360 Wireless controller working
on Ubuntu 7.10(as well as Ubuntu Hardy Heron, but not Ubuntu Intrepid)
then go here:
I Calibrated my Xbox 360 Wireless Controller with Privateer using DOSBox on
Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbons, but now DOSBox wants me to Calibrate a second joystick
which I don't have, and I just want to play as a single player.
Does Wing Commander Privateer support two players?,
because I thought it was a one player game only.

Are you sure dosbox isn't treating each of the thumbsticks as separate joysticks for some reason? And yes privateer is a single player game.

Is it dosbox or privateer that is asking you to calibrate the stick?

I am pretty sure because I tried messing with the other nob
and the four bottonup down left right bottons
it was saying to calibrate the 2nd joystick but in different words.
P.S. Just so you all know I didn't write any of the code
that was from the link I gave you for the Xbox 360 Wireless controller.
I just googled it one day and kept messing with it.
I am Dr. Clock from that thread.
I will try this first,

Although I am not sure if
I understand what they say to do here,
I am going to try it.



There are either two joystick ports active and you

are sharing the gamecard address or you have an

advanced joystick with throttle or panning control

which is being detected as the second joystick.

You will want to make sure that you eliminate

any second port, (Read 4A above) and see if you

are prompted for a second joystick. If you are

positive that no other port is active on the

computer and you are still being prompted for a

second joystick then you will want move PRIVATEER

game directory and type the following:

copy joya.dat joyb.dat

This will make a second joystick file which will

get you past the 'CALIBRATE JOYSTICK B' prompt

for one.

although that worked I didn't need to move the directory called Privateer,
but now the curser keeps moving to the up and left
I tried Re-Calibrating the Controller at the menu which is after
the joystick is supposed to Calibrated but it does the same thing.
although that worked I didn't need to move the directory called Privateer,
but now the curser keeps moving to the up and left
I tried Re-Calibrating the Controller at the menu which is after
the joystick is supposed to Calibrated but it does the same thing.

If there is some kind of game controler setup in Linux outside of dosbox try calibrating it there first before running dosbox.

In windows at least, if a stick isn't set right in the game controler panel it will mess things up since dosbox will use window's directx settings to emulate joystick support on things like USB sticks that Privateer normally wouldn't recognize. So possibly check to see if there's something similar in your Linux install.

Nothing seems to be fixing it.
First I did what you said by going to the program called Joystick Calibration
that was installed on Ubuntu,
then I tried Privateer,
then I tried moving out the text doc called:
joya.dat then I calibrated the joystick then it still was messup,
so instead I tried taking out the file named joya.dat and leaving joyb.dat,
but the curser keeps moving up and left constantly.
Maybe you could give me a copy of the joya.dat file to see what happens?
Joya.dat refers to the specifics of your joystick. Someone elses joya.dat is not liable to work.

Try altering DOSbox.conf as described above, but with 4axis instead of 2axis - this should present the game with a single, 4 axis stick. With any luck, the game will accept it as a single stick. If it doesnt, then copy joya.dat to joyb.dat - so that you have two, identical joy?.dat files.

Try this one, and tell me what happens.
I tried this file and changed it from joya.txt to joya.dat,
then I copied like I have done before using this command in
DOSBox: copy joya.dat joyb.dat
then I run PRIV and instead of the curser for the joystick
doing what it did before it does the complete opposite,
it falls to the right and down.

If it doesnt, then copy joya.dat to joyb.dat - so that you have two, identical joy?.dat files.
In case you didn't already know I had done that already,
but you were right in suggesting to try out what you said when you
said this:
Try altering DOSbox.conf as described above, but with 4axis instead of 2axis - this should present the game with a single, 4 axis stick. With any luck, the game will accept it as a single stick.
The problem though is that although I think I know what you are asking me to do
I am running Ubuntu and will have to search for the DOSBox
text file which can be used to reconfigure how DOSBox works
which I have seen and reconfigured in Windows XP to set the CPU cycles,
and make the extended memory false to play the Ultima 7 games.
OK OK, I will be right back, because
I know what I must ask next, so please just wait a minute.

timed=false (In this case important to set to false, otherwise cursor moves)
OK these are the setting they Paulovic said worked best for him.
Like I said before I used to have the text for DOSBox reconconfigured
and saved so I wouldn't have to mess with it and type things in DOSBox,
but one day after my brother had messed with DOSBox the DOSBox text
file was blank (this was on Windows XP), so I learned these commands
that I typed into DOSBox to get Ultima 7 the Black Gate and Ultima 7 Serpent Isle
ultima7 To set the cpu cycles to 10000:
config -set "cpu cycles=10000"

To turn ems memory emulation off:
config -set "dos ems=off"

I also learned that instead of typing in:
Now mount c c:\ulima7




It is much easier to drag and drop what ever game I want to run into DOSBox,
and I just learned that if I for instance drag and drop the folder that holds
for instance the game Privateer(in my case it is:
Wing Commander Privateer (1993)(Electronic Arts Inc)
I could then set the cpu cycles and or type what ever commands in DOSBox,
then when everything is set type in:PRIV
and press enter,
so my question is what commands should I use to set my joystick
up properly each time?
Would the commands be?:
config -set "joysticktype=2axis"
config -set "timed=false"
config -set "autofire=false"
config -set "swap34=false"
config -set "buttonwrap=true"
I will try to find the text file for DOXBox in Ubuntu right now.