Does Sansky die in the Wing Commander movie?

What the brass may or may not "look favorably on" takes (or should take, anyway) a back seat to the needs of the service. If Gerald was needed elsewhere, he'd go elsewhere.

There is more of a war than the immediate vicinity of the TCS Tiger's Claw, you know... :p
What the brass may or may not "look favorably on" takes (or should take, anyway) a back seat to the needs of the service. If Gerald was needed elsewhere, he'd go elsewhere.

There is more of a war than the immediate vicinity of the TCS Tiger's Claw, you know... :p

Very true, but shifting officers all over the place when they're performing fine where they are seems a bit inconvenient for war time. But yeah, perhaps he got command of another ship.
well. its pretty clear in the academy cartoon that Tolwyn is being punished when he is assigned to 'backwater' duty on the claw.. it just turns out that the backwater is a lot more exciting than anyone imagined at the time.
Very true, but shifting officers all over the place when they're performing fine where they are seems a bit inconvenient for war time. But yeah, perhaps he got command of another ship.
It sounds like standard procedure to me. I've read a lot of different WWI and WWII naval memoirs, and it's hugely unusual for a person to be promoted to command the same ship that he served on, at least without any kind of different assignment in-between. Wartime, if anything, makes such assignments even more unusual. There are lots of reasons for it - yes, it's disruptive to shift an officer to a new ship, but it's even worse to let him stay on one ship for too long, because he'll form habits, and he'll become over-reliant on the people around him (there is such a thing as a crew that works too well together - so well, that when you remove one of them, the rest has difficulty adapting).

Also, being temporarily in command doesn't mean that Gerard is even considered ready to be the captain of a carrier. He handled the job... but it also happens sometimes that a child saves his parent by grabbing the car wheel when the parent suddenly collapses, and surprisingly, no one rewards the child with his own car and a driver's license :). For all we know, he may have reverted to serving as the Tiger's Claw XO.
well. its pretty clear in the academy cartoon that Tolwyn is being punished when he is assigned to 'backwater' duty on the claw.. it just turns out that the backwater is a lot more exciting than anyone imagined at the time.

Yeah i never really understood that, the Claw BACKWATER!?
the claw isn't the issue here though. Its the fact that a man with fleet command level experience is given a single ship. even if it is the claw, thats a punishment if ever I saw one.
Also, being temporarily in command doesn't mean that Gerard is even considered ready to be the captain of a carrier.

Which is essentially what Tolwyn writes in Gerald's profile in the Handbook; he expects he will give Gerald a command in the future... but he has some doubts at present.

well. its pretty clear in the academy cartoon that Tolwyn is being punished when he is assigned to 'backwater' duty on the claw.. it just turns out that the backwater is a lot more exciting than anyone imagined at the time.

Rather, Tolwyn is being punished when the *Tiger's Claw* is assigned to backwater duty. The actual timeline of her captaincy is a bit... convoluted.

- Archer identifies Tolwyn as the Captain of the Tiger's Claw in the first episode of Wing Commander Academy (and Tolwyn claims he's at Sirius while the Tiger's Claw is undergoing a refit). This episode takes place before the movie; we know that Tolwyn *doesn't* return (immediately, anyway) to the Tiger's Claw: he's called to testify in Washington.

- Sansky is the captain soon after, during the Wing Commander movie. We know that Sansky is not the XO acting as captain; as of the movie Gerald has been second in command for multiple years (per the Handbook). Gerald is then 'acting captain' during Pilgrim Stars.

- Tolwyn, now disgraced, is the captain of the Tiger's Claw through Wing Commander Academy - which ends with his victory at Dolos and presumed return to command's good graces (and his promotion to Admiral).

- Halcyon, sight unseen, is the captain of the Tiger's Claw during Secret Missions I - he mentions how he'd 'rather not command a slagged ship' during one of the briefings.

- Thorn is captain of the Tiger's Claw in Secret Missions 2.

Confused? At least that's all linear -- we have to place one more oddity. From the Wing Commander 3 novelization: "[Blair's] mind went back to that time aboard the Tiger's Claw, when the admiral [Tolwyn] made the carrier the flagship of a ramshackle squadron. He took her into action against overwhelming odds to hold off a Kilrathi fleet until Terran relief forces could arrive. At the height of the action he relieved old Captain Thorn, the ship's commanding officer, and filed charges against him for cowardice in the face of the enemy. Thorn had later been reinstated, but no one serving with the old man ever quite forgot the day."
The only reasonable theory I can think of for the Claw to pull backwater duty during Academy is that they did it to help in training the replacement pilots and crew before shipping her back to the front lines. Thoughts?
The claw was going through massive repairs(she was being-refitted), according to Tolwyn in WCA, and she had taken damage before, and it is not uncommon in a non-desperate war situation that you keep a recource in sight instead to fieldtest the refits and/or improvements instead of pitching it to the frontlines after you finished dry-docking.

What did cross my thoughts was the sivar-eshrad ceremony in the timeline, it takes place over the timeline situated through the movie, cartoon and WC1, as academy was timeline-based before and throughout the events of the movie and WC2, the instance of the ceremony takes place once in somethingsomething years, how can two instances occur in the timeline of WC1, did they went on and bother the Dolosians after getting a beating at Firekka to have their ceremony anyhow?
The only reasonable theory I can think of for the Claw to pull backwater duty during Academy is that they did it to help in training the replacement pilots and crew before shipping her back to the front lines. Thoughts?

That's right--but there's also the aspect that the assignment was to punish Tolwyn (it's never explained why on the show, but the likely retcon is that it relates to the massive failure of his plans in Pilgrim Stars...).

What did cross my thoughts was the sivar-eshrad ceremony in the timeline, it takes place over the timeline situated through the movie, cartoon and WC1, as academy was timeline-based before and throughout the events of the movie and WC2, the instance of the ceremony takes place once in somethingsomething years, how can two instances occur in the timeline of WC1, did they went on and bother the Dolosians after getting a beating at Firekka to have their ceremony anyhow?

The ceremony takes place annually -- Dolos was 2654, Firekka was 2655.