Does anyone have a recomendation for similar fiction?


Like the thread says. I am looking for some good scifi. Would like it to be similar to Wing Commander, in that there is fleet action and such. But any good scifi would be welcome. The only thing scifi I have read is the Dune Series, some old Battletech novels, and I just picked up the Wing Commander novels.
It might be a good idea to have someone write up a list, since this topic tends to pop up every now and again, and give it a section on the CIC main page.
I think we'd have to convince LOAF of a direct association to WC itself in order to do that, which might be rather difficult.

On the other hand he might go for it anyway. It's worth a shot.
The only thing I've read that really resonates with the same amount of 'clang' is the first half of the Dark Wing, before it devolves into a long moralistic genocide sermon and then obvious set-up for the rest of the series (it spans four books or so). It might still be worth it for that first part - and not that it matters, but it has a really striking cover.

David Drake also edited a collection of sci-fi stories titled "Space Dreadnaughts." though there's a disappointing lack of actual space dreadnaught-ing - most of it isn't military science fiction at all, with a few notable exceptions: the only story in the mold is "A Question of Courage", which feels like a much more modern story than it is (it was written sometime in the late '50s, I believe). It's an entertaining and interesting enough story that I've looked to see whether or not it was part of a series - it apparently is not.
It might be a good idea to have someone write up a list, since this topic tends to pop up every now and again, and give it a section on the CIC main page.

I think we'd have to convince LOAF of a direct association to WC itself in order to do that, which might be rather difficult.

On the other hand he might go for it anyway. It's worth a shot.

It'd be an article in the Articles section. The difficult part is going through and doing a decent and thorough job of it.