Docking in WC1


Hey guys, sorry if this is the wrong forum but recently I began playing Wing Commander again, now that I've got it to run on my computer, and I'm having a problem.

My question is simple: How the heck to do dock on the Tiger's Claw at the end of the mission? I managed it once, but at least twice now Spirit has died simply because she ends up continually ramming the tiger's claw when in fact we're trying to dock it, and at least once I've died trying to dock it.

And before you ask, I don't have a manual--my copy of Wing Commander: Deluxe Edition came in a mostly-shovelware collection featuring it, a golf game, a puzzle game, a sports illustrated CD, and various assorted odds and ends. The only thing resembling a manual that I have for it is a fold-out pamphlet that explains the keyboard functions and gives copy protection answers (Though ironically there's one question I occasionally get that it doesn't even list).

Anyway, any help is appreciated.
Use your radio (C key) to communicate with the Tiger's Claw. After depressing the "C" key once you'll need to choose the option for "Tiger's Claw", then the option for "request landing." Remember to have the Tiger's Claw "targeted" (T key) before trying to communicate with the ship. It isn't always selected by default at the end of a mission. Also, slowing your speed to around 160kps or less is a good idea- buys you time to complete the communication procedures before landing. Approach the Claw from the front of the ship (you'll see the landing deck) and you should be in business.
It makes it a lot easier when coming in from the wrong direction if you use the side and rear views, you can correct yourself and approach again once you lined up with the front of the Tigers Claw.

Also, one thing about the old SNES version, it's possible to just approach the Claw from any side and still land once you radio for a landing. It makes it easy but then the game itself seemed harder then the computer version, I hate the asteriod fields...It seemed like somehow they'd hit me from behind and instantly kill me. :(
All right. I figured it was direction-specific.

I hate the asteroid fields myself (I've played both the SNES and PC versions). When I have a choice, I prefer to try to fly around them instead of through them.

One thing... I may be wrong about this, but I seem to remember at least once that I had sustained damage that made me unable to use my communicator. Assuming this wasn't just a bug, fluke, or mistake on my part, what do I do to dock should this ever occur?
No, it's not just a fluke, in WC1 its possible for your targeting and communications equipment to be destroyed. In that case about the only thing you can do is keep trying to send a message and hope it works ;)

I try to fly around to but then usually I don't give myself enough space to clear them and I still fly into them at one point or another. Waypoints in the middle of asteriods or mine fields are the worst :(
But it seems that you were able to at least barely survive a asteriod collision in the PC version, in the SNES it was like sudden death to hit one. And when it happened to me most of the time I had moved out of being able to see it in front of me so it'd hit my side when I was manuvering - It's ruined more then a few good nights when I'd complete a mission and have to fly thru a field, only to crash into a rock and start all over again. :(
DJ Erik said:
No, it's not just a fluke, in WC1 its possible for your targeting and communications equipment to be destroyed. In that case about the only thing you can do is keep trying to send a message and hope it works ;)

You could also eject.. I can't recall whether it takes your completed mission objectives and accepts them or not though.. I think it does.. I think it plays losing mission music, but still accepts your objective victories.
Yea... I noticed that about the asteroid/mine fields. In the PC one I hit like two or three and managed to survive. The only instant death I ever had was when I knocked one straight on. in the SNES version an asteroid could very well just scratch your finish and KABOOM!

One trick I learned with both versions is that, usually, if I see an asteroid coming towards me in the front view, I try to angle myself so that it'll fly offscreen (or just plain move it offscreen, depending). Usually, the game seems to accept an "out of sight, out of mind" logic regarding this--you can't see it so it can't hurt you. I've never been hit from behind or the sides, save by asteroids I can partially see.
ChrisReid said:
You could also eject.. I can't recall whether it takes your completed mission objectives and accepts them or not though.. I think it does.. I think it plays losing mission music, but still accepts your objective victories.

True on ejecting, unless your ejection system was also destroyed in battle. :p
I can't remember exactly what happens either, if memory serves me I finished a mission once but bailed after running into another flight of Grathas, but it still counted as a failure. Maybe I just didn't shoot enough of them...I'll try playing through the first mission and bailing just to see what happens.

JamesEightBS said:
One trick I learned with both versions is that, usually, if I see an asteroid coming towards me in the front view, I try to angle myself so that it'll fly offscreen (or just plain move it offscreen, depending). Usually, the game seems to accept an "out of sight, out of mind" logic regarding this--you can't see it so it can't hurt you. I've never been hit from behind or the sides, save by asteroids I can partially see.

I've used that trick many a time too, it works well. I do seem to remember that I had gone out of the way of a asteriod and I wasn't able to see it anymore but somehow it still hit me(Taking my Hornet down in a flash of glory). But other then that trick there's no other way to avoid them other then slowing down and manuvering very slightly around them...I remember loving the mission where you escort the Exeter to a jump point to the Ymir system just since I could hide behind it and let it lead me through the asteriods :D
DJ Erik said:
True on ejecting, unless your ejection system was also destroyed in battle. :p
I can't remember exactly what happens either, if memory serves me I finished a mission once but bailed after running into another flight of Grathas, but it still counted as a failure. Maybe I just didn't shoot enough of them...I'll try playing through the first mission and bailing just to see what happens.

If you choose to eject (in WC1) you'll find yourself in Halcyon's office getting a thorough dressing down for the cost associated with losing a Confed fighter. I'm nearly positive that in all cases your action up until the ejection is saved, but unless you've completed the mission's objectives before ejecting you'll fail the mission. You'll be awarded the Golden Sun the first time you bail, but ejecting works against you after that.

Something else to try, if your communications are shot up, is to alternate between using the C, D, and W keys. I've used this "trick" with some success and have had the radio work long enough for me to get landing clearance after sustaining lots of battle damage.
That's great I think. You have the same dilemma that I was having back when I played it in '90. It was just already on my dad's computer that he brought home eventually. And someone had installed Wing Commander along with a ton of other games that were all on the Bernoulli drive. And I totally kept playing that same mission over and over trying to figure out how to do stuff. And I noticed when I pushed all the F1 keys that like F10 I think it was showed these weird orange colored ships and so I'd keep trying so hard to get to those ships.

The first time I ever landed back on the Tiger's Claw seemed like a complete accident but I was whoo-hooing all day. Great memory that was.
hmm.. according to the original claw marks(if i remember correctly, if you are badly damaged, you can aproach the claw without communication and land.

fro safety just hit the breaks and fly in at 10 kps or smth. it worked for me.

your wingman ramming the claw is a result of bad a.i. if you figure out on which wing your wingman is flying, go to maximum cruise velocity, fly just over the tiger's claw, just before you cross do a roll so your wingman ends up below you, and he/she will fly straight into the claw!, watch out for the "spirit paradox(so1 or 2?)" also kill knight, his ghost will be standing beside you debriefing your next mission anyway, and even speak up :D