Distance/Nav-Point clarification


Rear Admiral
I am not sure if this question has been brought up before or not...

If a fighter/ship is 10,000 clicks from another fighter/ship, would it be able to identify its transponder whether it is Kilrathi, Confed, Border Worlds or some other independent ship?

Once example is that from WC - Kilrathi Saga Manual it discussed the Shelton Slide Maneuver is best done from 3000-3500 clicks. At this distance the fighters/ship would be easily identified.

But what about 5,6,7 or even at 10,000 clicks?
I am possibly certain that a fighter sensor package might pick up their signal but not be able to identify it from a large distance.
Capital ships maynot have a problem but fighter size ships I am more curious about.
Any info would greatly be appreciated...cheers :D
If a fighter/ship is 10,000 clicks from another fighter/ship, would it be able to identify its transponder whether it is Kilrathi, Confed, Border Worlds or some other independent ship?

Once example is that from WC - Kilrathi Saga Manual it discussed the Shelton Slide Maneuver is best done from 3000-3500 clicks. At this distance the fighters/ship would be easily identified.

Something like a "transponder range" is kind of abstract. What is a transponder? Is it the same as identifying something as a red target on our radar? All you have to do is fire up Wing Commander 1, autopilot to the first nav point, and you'll see it returns control to you because it has identified a group of Kilrathi bogies about 13,000 kilometers away.

Now if you move up closer and target those bogies, you'll see that the range is now represented in meters instead of kilometers, and that's the units of measurement that maneuvers like the Shelton Slide are described in.