Differences a True Collector Would Love (February 22, 2019)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Red-Jackal recently posted a neat 1993 Privateer advertisement from Computer magazine. We've shown it off before, or so I thought, so I almost passed it by. It is a little bit sharper than the one we have in the archive though, so I decided to take a second look. Upon closer inspection, tiny little differences started to emerge. This one is listed as "Circle Reader Service Number 248" instead of Circle Reader Service #94." The text indicating the game was "Available at a software retailer near you" and that it's "A stand alone game made in the USA" were conspicuously missing. One word of the actual ad text is also different: enemies "also want your cargo" rather than "want your cargo too." Last, but not least, the word Privateer is no longer italicized before the awesome quote, "Where deals are made with a handshake and broken by the volley from a Meson cannon." Pretty neat!

Original update published on February 22, 2019