Dear Santa Claus...

Quarto said:
Frankly, if we don't manage to get the Prologue done by then - after almost two years - I might just give up entirely.

If you feel like giving up, just issue an "Alt+H" and I´ll aid in any way I can. :) And remember to send me the fiction and the voiceover texts after they are done so I can start working on my part (Standoff´s Portuguese version).

Also, I think it would rally the whole team up if you´d shake this Forum once in a while, like the Saga team does. Their staff is always posting new stuff and keeping their incipient fanbase interested. I have been doing that in the past months (I started 7 of the 10 most recent threads).

This thread, for instance, has been viewed about 300 times in four days. That´s about 100 people that kinda renewed their interest in the game.

I know the game is now on a stage where the progress is not *noticeable* - no one can *see* a voiceover progress -, but you should make some polls, release a bit of info here and there (like that pic Eder posted here). That would keep us (the fans) excited and the Standoff team motivated.
FWIW, there are some cool things which we could have shown or talked about, but we haven't, and we won't. :p
Starkey said:
Also, I think it would rally the whole team up if you´d shake this Forum once in a while, like the Saga team does. Their staff is always posting new stuff and keeping their incipient fanbase interested. I have been doing that in the past months (I started 7 of the 10 most recent threads).
Well now, that's a tough area for us. Take a look at the Saga threads - they're mostly about new ships, new super-duper visual effects, and so on. We don't have that - we've already displayed all the ships we currently have done, and we don't really have all that much in the visual effects department (because, really, it's no longer a surprise to anyone that, wow! WCP has lens flares :p). I mean, there is a bit of special visual effects in cutscenes, but we can't show those off, because we don't want to give plot information away.

So... well, any ideas? :p
BTW sorry that I couldn't do any voiceovers as promised. A wave of real life has been unleashed onto me and I wasn't able to do much. So, I'll say like a professional. it's done "when it's done". :p

(though that won't take exceptionally long I hope :p )
Well, if it makes anyone feel like there is some progress going on, I'll say this: the person playing the role of Sparrow is so excited, we just can't get the lines to her soon enough. It's kind of nice adding a bit of young blood into the mix with the wise oldtimers on this project, I believe it creates a good balance. Let me say this, I promise that as soon as I get the lines for Sparrow and the other women, we'll so our best to finish all of the recordings within a 2 week period (hey, it's election time in the USA, so I thought I should make a big promise). No, seriously though, the female voice actresses are all so pumped that they just can't wait to get the rest of the lines just so they can record some more.

Hopefully, that's a bit of good news for all of you.

Unless, of course, you have decided to replace them all with moths :) Moth voice recording is a little out of my league, I'm afraid. ;)

Quarto said:
Of course, none of this may be enough in the end. You see, I know that Michael is working on the music as fast as he can. But I also know how university can drain your time, and how there's always exams just around the corner. So, it's beyond my control, and beyond his control, too - he's working on the music, it will be done as soon as he can get it done, and that's that.

But, for the Prologue, the Standoff progress chart says it is done... So music is now an issue only for the Main Campaign, right?
Starkey said:
But, for the Prologue, the Standoff progress chart says it is done... So music is now an issue only for the Main Campaign, right?
Well, no... the mission music is indeed done for the Prologue. But the cutscene music (which, on the chart, gets a separate category) is not done, and that's what Michael is working on right now.
Quarto said:
Well, no... the mission music is indeed done for the Prologue. But the cutscene music (which, on the chart, gets a separate category) is not done, and that's what Michael is working on right now.

I´d be more than happy with a remasterization of Privateer music. But Michael´s work is really great, so if he can get his job done on time, the wait is well worth. :)
We're going with a slightly unusual musical style for the cutscenes, so it couldn't be easily replaced. :p

I've done some more show-off-able stuff which I hope to, erm, show off on a website update soon (along with the official announcement of that splash screen), though.
Quarto said:
nd secondly, we can't help feeling that them WC Saga guys are hot on our heels (of course, they're probably thinking the same - it's difficult to tell who's really ahead, given that neither team knows exactly how the other team is doing). Nothing like a bit of competition to motivate people ;).

We're supposed to be competing with you?! Why don't people tell me these things?! ;)

In reality, I at least don't see any real competition... whether or not Starman, Tolwyn, or any of the others do, I can't say.

I'm just happy to see WC doing so well after all the years of enjoyment it's given me.
A healthy competition for the best WC mod is great for all the community. Just keep the olympic spirit :p
Moonsword said:
We're supposed to be competing with you?! Why don't people tell me these things?! ;)

In reality, I at least don't see any real competition... whether or not Starman, Tolwyn, or any of the others do, I can't say.

I'm just happy to see WC doing so well after all the years of enjoyment it's given me.
Eh, don't get me wrong. There isn't really any direct competition - at least, not in the "them Saga guys are our enemies" sense. I mean, both teams support each other at times, and there's even one or two people who are active in both simultaneously. At the same time, however, I'm pretty sure that both teams are somewhat interested in getting the fan project of the year award, and somehow I doubt that there's much chances of another tied award :).
I'm so glad to have been even a small part of this project (voiceover role, since I had to step down as head of voiceovers . . . and I'm kinda glad that I did that).

After having played several versions of the internal prologue beta, I can only say that the anticipation is *well* worth it. I've been monitoring the inner-team e-mails, just keeping tabs on everything for my own personal interest, and it's so very exciting, some of the things that are getting done. Many things you may not notice, or realize how much work went into it, but a *lot* of work is being done by a small handful of people in a very short amount of time, and the "non-showable" progress is staggering.
Hey, just checking...

But Quarto, they're both great projects, and both are the product of a lot of work by some very talented people... and I've been lucky enough to be able to contribute a little bit to Saga. Either way, whoever wins that one desrves it.
Moonsword said:
But Quarto, they're both great projects, and both are the product of a lot of work by some very talented people...
Absolutely. We're all very impressed with what the Saga folks have managed to do, and we're looking forward to their release as much as everyone else (even if we're hoping we'll manage to release Standoff first ;)).