Damn Crashing game



After I've been playing the game for about 15 hours (not straight!) or so it crashes with the message 'Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library; Runtime Error!; Program: C:\Program Files\Vegastrike\Privateer\bin\vegastrike.exe; abnormal program termination.

Any ideas, 'cause it's pissing me off no end!

From what you've told us, no not really any ideas. Some details would help. Which version of windows? What were you doing when it crashed? Also the contents of stderr.txt and stdout.txt would be helpful.
and if you can find your Dr Watson Log (if you run win2k) that would also be helpful...
it could be a python error in which the stderr.txt and stdout.txt from the failure would be of immense help-and we could probably get you a fix in no time

also try rebooting too... after sending us the stderr.txt and stdout.txt files from the bin/ subdir of the privateer folder

your saved game from .privateer009/save/savegamename
would also be of immense help
send these files to

privater atsign gmail.com

(replace atsign with @)
Files Sent

Thanks for the quick response guys. Files emailed as requested. Game is being run on Windows XP.
