Cutscenes suck ass, reason #27


Ah, Origin code at its finest...

Got forced into the Avenger cutscene on 9: unfortunately, the game doesn't stop just because you're STUCK in gayass scripted plot land, and I came out of the cutscene to discover that I'd been killed. gg.

Since there's no way to skip the fkng things, how about we not have any in UE2, especially DURING COMBAT. I can live with a comm message just fine thanks. :)
Originally posted by arQon
Since there's no way to skip the fkng things, how about we not have any in UE2, especially DURING COMBAT. I can live with a comm message just fine thanks. :)

Yes, since you can't avoid them, you just have to live with them. It helps to keep your ship moving around when it occurs. Don't launch any missiles until after the scene and keep an extra finger on the decoy button. See if you can get your ship in the cutscene as the Avenger jumps!

When playing WCP or WCSO using one of the modification programs that allows modification of the strength of guns, missiles etc, muck around with the game to have really funny cutscenes, like giving ships no shields or armour.
Thats bizarre, you're supposed to be invincible for the period of the cutscene, are you certain you didn't get killed afterwards?

Otherwise we have cause for a bug fix :p
Originally posted by arQon
Ah, Origin code at its finest...
Umm... ok, now this bit confuses me :p.

Got forced into the Avenger cutscene on 9: unfortunately, the game doesn't stop just because you're STUCK in gayass scripted plot land, and I came out of the cutscene to discover that I'd been killed. gg.
That shouldn't be :p. The player's ship is uncollidable for the duration of the scene.

I agree about cutscenes during combat, though. They tend to be rather disruptive.
There wasn't any perceptible gap between the end of the Avenger cutscene and the start of the "this is your ship spinning off" one. It's quite possible that there was a missile fired during the cutscene that didn't impact in that time but was only a frame away once it was over, but obviously I couldn't say. :p

The "Origin code" comment was a reference to the way the engine continues to run "world" activity while the player has no control (and often no view).

I'm not convinced about the uncollidable property BTW: I distinctly recall STARTING a (UE) mission with about 30% core damage and 40% gun damage because of something happening during a launch sequence, but still having shields at full despite that (and I THINK, tho I wouldn't swear to it, that I had full armour still as well).
Originally posted by arQon

I'm not convinced about the uncollidable property BTW: I distinctly recall STARTING a (UE) mission with about 30% core damage and 40% gun damage because of something happening during a launch sequence, but still having shields at full despite that (and I THINK, tho I wouldn't swear to it, that I had full armour still as well).

Emmhh... that was done with that intention, the fighters are in bad shape because the mission before that one, did you read the fiction?
I think that there ,is explained why the hull is almost gone.
Originally posted by arQon
Ah, Origin code at its finest...
Since there's no way to skip the fkng things, how about we not have any in UE2, especially DURING COMBAT. I can live with a comm message just fine thanks. :)

Seems like beta testers always know more then even the programmers <bg>

This particular engine cutscene _CAN_ be skipped. Well almost. Just press you view forward button (coolie hat or F1) and you are back in your ship. The scene will jump back to 3rd person for 1/2 second when the avenger jumps out however (when the jumpbubble itself appears).
Originally posted by Quarto
Hmmm... F1 shouldn't work :p. I mean, the player controls should be disabled.

Could, should,... It does! ;)
And no I didn't notice it working anywhere else, in particular you cannot do that cutscene stunt like you could in SO, at least to my knowledge.
Hmm... curious. I just checked the mission code, and the player's control is taken away by this cutscene. So, if pressing F1 works... than it would stand to reason that the next line (the uncollidable line) could also not be applied. But I don't see why this would be the case.
Finally got time to play it again, and yes: F1 definitely works, so from what you say I'm not actually mad after all. :p

Just got screwed over by this AGAIN, this time on 10. We're doing great, just half of one Hydra (that I have the final torp lock on) and a handful of fighters left, I get the Eisen cutscene, I watch it, I get back to spaceflight and suddenly there are missiles locked on me and the EJECT siren is wailing, which it sure as hell wasn't BEFORE the cutscene. I try to decoy/AB/jink but a second later I'm dead.

Man... could somebody get Origin a decent programmer for Xmas? Or maybe a QA team?
Send 'em a resume Quarto...

Thankfully I've basically got today free so I can AFFORD the time for replays, but I'm starting to feel jinxed. :p

UE2 needs to run on a better engine. :/
There are plenty out there free for the taking.
You can't blame Origin for this at all though... their cutscenes tended to work rather well. It's not like one of their performance requirements was convenience for modders, they didn't expect people to be doing this at all.
Whoa, whoa... the Eisen scene is a movie cutscene, not a game engine cutscene... the game definitely pauses for the duration... doesn't it? :confused: