Custom Campaigns


Hi i played Privateer for the first time when i was 12, one thing i wanted to do was to make my own missions and story lines. Can any one tell me how to do it or where to look. Thanks
Of course :) We would love to have user-contributed campaigns and would consider including them in future releases if they mesh nicely with the wing commander feel.

all the campaign data for the Privateer and Righteous fire campaigns is included in modules/
at the top dialogue is saved into various variables for use later... ignore that for now.

skip down to def LoadMainCampaign()
(this is referenced at the top in campaignsloaders on line can add your own campaign loader function)
the line with
indicates that this campaign will use the savegame varibles "privateer_campaign" and "privateer_campaign_mission" for internal usage--so make sure future campaigns are called something else...
this will have to be returned at the end of the function.

then the campaign is inited with SandovalMission1 (meaning that's the starter mission--this variable was initialized to CampaignClickNode() before, but hasn't been specified what it does yet)

then the rest of the function builds the mission tree... by MakeCargoMission
and specifying the next missions... it's a bit complex and we can go through it more once the idea starts to make sense...
the guy who's a real expert on this system is dandandaman and he lives over at

I'm sure he'd be able to help you make awesome campaigns which we can then include for others to enjoy.

eventually we're considering making a user friendly editor for this stuff... but for now it's just text and code
Thanks for the info. Had a little play but whenever i try to add my own (small) campaign, i cant access the bar at any mining base and some other bases i cant acces anything from the main concorse.

Any ideas?

check stderr.txt it should tell you where you went wrong :)

search for traceback
paste here if you get stuck