Couple of question


Okay... now this may all be answered elsewhere, but I haven't found it...

#1. I seem to have trouble landing on mining bases! Is there something that my delicate brain in forgetting after all these years away from Privateer? I've requested clearance to land (which does nothing, it seems)... and tried just flying into it.

#2. Are there any further goals after this latest release? (Not an important question... you probably have a thread covering this already, a link would be great...)
#1) crashing into a starship, even if it looks like home--is a very bad idea
you have to press the 'd' key to dock (the auto landing zone always irked the developers, so we removed it except for planets)

2) we have plenty of nice goals for 1.0--and aside from testing and 1 little image hack we're done
Yeah took me a little to figure that one out, then I discovered the manual :D

Not that I can really talk because im still discovering it, I just asked a question in another thread, that I could have answered if I just had have searched the manual.