Cool C&C 3 find


Rear Admiral
I was playing through one of the skirmish maps and I came along the wreckage of both a Mammoth Mk.II and a Titan from Tiberian Sun. I asked the community manager about it and he said that the models are included in the game with full walking animations specifically for modding purposes. I think its very cool that EA took the time to add something like that in just for the old fans and I can't wait for someone to mod them in.

Yeah that's very cool.

I'm really loving C&C3 so far, and whilst the FMV is beyond cheesy (quite an accomplishment with the quality cast they assembled) its really made me yern for a high def Wing Commander game. Perhaps with the current high def buzz words Wing Commander will once again be used as the location for superb storytelling (what else can they possibly use blu-ray for? :P)
That's pretty neat... perhaps the Centurion in one of the Arena screenshots is something similar :)?


(... because nobody else noticed it...)
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Too bad that Mammoth Mk.2 isn't functional like the Mammoth Mk.1 that you can discover in the last GDI mission of Tiberian Sun.
Wow, that's great.

I ended up picking up a Kane edition for cheap at the Fry's first day sale, but the XBox one is getting closer, so I think I can wait.
By the way... did you try running an engineer into one of those?

This type of salute is common in C&C games, in TS, on several maps you could see the remains of GDI and NOD structures from the first game. You couldn't recapture those and I doubt you can repair that Mammoth, it looks a lot worse for wear. They are just nice tips of the hat for those of us who have played C&C since it originally came out.
This type of salute is common in C&C games, in TS, on several maps you could see the remains of GDI and NOD structures from the first game. You couldn't recapture those and I doubt you can repair that Mammoth, it looks a lot worse for wear. They are just nice tips of the hat for those of us who have played C&C since it originally came out.

Yeah, those two units are there for pure aesthetics. You can't reacquire them like the other mechs in the game. However once the mod SDK gets released I'll be looking through the XML files for how to put them into production.
That's pretty neat... perhaps the Centurion in one of the Arena screenshots is something similar :)?


(... because nobody else noticed it...)

I don't see it, all I see are the new Rapiers

edit: Oh, ok, I'm still not familiar with the shape of the new Rapier and I assumed that the ship of the left was a Rapier as well, but upon closer inspection, it has the Centurion's engine, tail and wing configuration! That's neat!
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