Confederation Light Carrier - post WCP era


Rear Admiral
Time to feed my design to the wolves it would seem... :)

First things first, this ship timeline wise should fit in 5-6 years after the midway class.

she's between a third and half of the midways length and two thirds her width... (guesstimate). She has a Full Squadron of fighter pilots and about a 100 fighters of essentially the same types of the midway. About 21 turrets (13 top/8 bottom) and comparable armour and shield capabilities as the midway. She has a thrudeck style hangar, to facilitate rapid fighter landings and use of larger shuttles and support craft. And six Fighter/Shuttle launch tubes, 3 a side. And uses a similar method of storing fighters and moving them to the launch tubes as the midway.

This is a first draft, not all the proportions are done, and theres very little detailing. The black stripe signifys which fleet the ship is part of. The Squares show where the turrets are likely to be located... and while scanning the rear got chopped off... not much though.

Plan view

Side view impression (just to give you a better idea of the actual shape)

Not bad...the front section of the top view reminds me of the Gilgamesh. The sideview doesn't look as WCish as it should, but right now I can't tell why.

Only one thing...that thing looks huge. Even while in WCP times ships are getting bigger, a light carrier still would be quite small (500-800m perhaps) but that thing looks like a dreadnought or something. I'd redo some details to make it look smaller and less massive.

Though at that time I'd imagine that Eagle type light carriers would still be be used by Confed, since they were invented just by the end of the terran -Kilrathi war(or so it seemed from the WC 3 novel)
It probably looks massive because of the lack of detailing.

For scale, the launch tubes are intended to be about the same size as the midways, that should give you a decent idea on how big she actually is.

Im not familiar with the Eagle class, never read the novel. Theres about 20 years since the end of the Kilrathi War... assuming confed wants to create new ships with the technology tested on the midway... the midway and their fighters are pretty different from anything that went before
It looks a little more like ships from WC 1-2, not really Prophecy era ships.
still, the design shows promise.
It does look a lot like the old Gilgamesh. I like the overall design, it looks like a sturdy fighter-platform. Though, to be perfectly honest, my gut reaction was of less a Light Carrier and more something resembling the old Waterloos. A heavy cruiser with respectable fighter capacity.