Confederation draft


I been wondering for some time now if there was a draft during the Kilrathi war. I know many of you think that this is a rather stupid question but there really isn't any mention of a draft in the WC fiction I read. It just seems almost essential for there to be one especially due to such a long and drawn out war with so many casualties.

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
There must have been, since I can not believe that the Confederation would ever be able to raise such man power on volunteers alone. Alas, I do not know if this is actually true, 'tis just my opinion.

BUY.COM sucks monkey arse!!!!
I believe a mandatory draft has been referenced a few times.

Although most of the characters we see attended eithar the Naval or the Space Forces Academy and were *not* drafted.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
Just testing ot see if I post correctly.

"It's not my revolution if I can't dance to it!" - Emma Goldman, Anarchist and Feminist
We really only seem to meet the career military men/women in WC. There were probibly people drafted.


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Most pilots, officers, etc. are volunteer in most militaries. Some pilots are draftees, at least in WWII, but most draftees would be ground troops or lower-ranking people.
Yeah, but in a system that is focused on spaceflight (as our current system is based on air superiority) you would expect that many people would be drafted into the Space Forces.


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
True, but there was the conflict on Repleetah that involved only ground forces. That would have taken a lot of draftees.
Yeah, of course, if you want to hold a position you need ground forces. If you want to clear a place out air forces will work but you always will need ground forces to keep the land you gain.

"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Confed marines were in high demand simply by the size of their Kilrathi counterparts. Sure they needed pilots, but at least we had a bit of an edge skillwise over them in that arena, so where draftees would be needed would be on the ground

"I'm putting you back in the cockpit Colonel, where you will be reunited with an old friend, the thrill of battle!"
-Tolwyn to Blair WC IV
Speaking of Repleetah, I always wondered about Dekker. In the KS manual I think it said everyone was killed there. How did Dekker get out. I guess there were survivors?

Peace cannot be kept by force, it must be achieved through understanding.
Size, in modern military action, and I expect in Wing Commander, really makes little difference in Marine action. Most of the fight is done using fire arms or explosives. It doesn't matter how big you are, if you get shot by a big gun, you die.
You may remember that in WCIV, Dekker mentions that he was in a Kilrathi POW camp.

Barrie "Cpl Hades" Almond
From what I've read Repleetah was a waste. No strategic value at all, they were just throwing lives away. WWI all over again. Dekker was one of the lucky ones.
Repleetah lasted several years -- the idea that there were 'no survivors' comes from the status of the planet at the *end* of the battle. Anyone who was transferred off or wounded or captured beforehand survived.

As stated, Dekker was a Kilrathi POW. Grunt from Wing Commander Academy also survived Repleetah, and the show actually had scenes from the fighting on it...

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
To clear things up for those who haven't seen the cartoon. Grunt was a marien on Repleta who was wounded during battle while tryng to take out a tank like thing. After being wounded he had himself transfered to the Space Force to hide an ailment were a trama could leave him parilized. He wanted to stay in the fight.

Note: Any war is a waste. A waste of both resorces and life.

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
you're right. but think off it, if WWII never happend, allot of technoligy is here now becouse off war, in the Coldwar, MANY! weapons were constructed but were never used...but a fuw years later "we" won the Gulfwar BECOUSE of the cold war...

like tolwyn said: Progress only come through stugle, fighting keeps us fit...blablabla

"Just close your eyes and pretend it's Wing Commander"
I live in place that is in war since it was created.
Well not always a war like in WWII war but still its a hell.
War will always make people to try and advance forward in the tech world. i'm scared to think where would we be standing without the WWII tech advancement.

I was Black Hawk