Concordia in Arizona


I saw this driving home one day and thought some of you would like to see it.


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Hawkjoe said:
Does anyone know where the "Concordia" name originated from? (The history of the name).

I'm thinking "agreement." Let me check....

Looks like I was right!

Oxford English Dictionary said:

• noun 1 agreement; harmony. 2 a treaty.

— ORIGIN Latin concordia, from concors ‘of one mind’.
Concordia isn't a word in English (as AD suggests, it isn't in the OED). It's a Latin word meaning 'harmony', from which English words like 'concord' and 'concordat' arise.

The reason you see it today is that it's assosciated with the Lutheran Church (it's the name of their book of confession or somesuch) - the extensive system of Lutheran universities is named Concordia.

... and there's a Concordia University in Austin, which is almost certainly where the carrier got her name.
Bandit LOAF said:
... and there's a Concordia University in Austin, which is almost certainly where the carrier got her name.

Also there is one in Montreal....
They're all over the place -- throughout the world. Wing Commander was developed in Austin, though, so that one is important for our purposes.
Don said:
Also there is one in Montreal....and another one in Canada, i think?
Ahem, Montreal is in Canada... :rolleyes:

I'm also in Montreal. :D

On the subject of Montreal Universities, Montreal has several, Concordia and McGill are two of them, both appearing in the top 10 Universities of North America (when last I heard). As you can see I'm very proud of being Canadian and of my city.
Bandit LOAF said:
They're all over the place -- throughout the world. Wing Commander was developed in Austin, though, so that one is important for our purposes.

are there still programmers from the original wing commanders still living there loaf?
just curious, sorry to get off subject of thread, carry on.
are there still programmers from the original wing commanders still living there loaf?
just curious, sorry to get off subject of thread, carry on.

Certainly, Austin is a major city for game development.

Or perhaps someone just liked the name, Concordia...

I'm fairly sure someone important in the Wing 2 team (my fractured memory wants to say Ellen Guon, but I'm not sure) went to Concordia.

(WC2 has at least two other locally-derived ship names, the TCS Austin and the TCS Waterloo.)
Alternatively the glacier that flows around K2 and the surround mountains is called Concordia, the roof of the world.
There are many cities all over the world named Waterloo... and, of course, the most famous occurance of the name is the battle where Napoleon was finally defeated.

In the closest-to-Origin case, though, Austin was named Waterloo before becoming the capital of Texas, and lots of things in town use the name today.
Bandit LOAF said:
There are many cities all over the world named Waterloo... and, of course, the most famous occurance of the name is the battle where Napoleon was finally defeated.

In the closest-to-Origin case, though, Austin was named Waterloo before becoming the capital of Texas, and lots of things in town use the name today.

Doh! I forgot about the Battle of Waterloo. ::Banghead::

However, I didn't know that Austin used to be called Waterloo.