Concordia Battlegroup Fly-by - A Wing Commander II Short


Rear Admiral
Hi there,

in order to improve my skills in After Effects and Premiere, I've decided to produce this short video based on Wing Commander II. The video includes the original sprites, the music and sound effects from the Kilrathi Saga re-release as well as a WC2-like starfield built from scratch by yours truly.

What do you think?
Pretty cool! Do you foresee getting more into this and doing more elaborate setups? If I had a critique, I'd say the Morningstar fly-by is kind of "stiff." You can easily imagine the cap ships fly as you depict them with all their bulk and inertia, but a little bit more motion on the fighter would make the scene more vibrant.
Since After Effects is part of my current training, I doubt that this will be my last animation. Even though I don't know yet what to do next, I'm always happy to revisit Wing Commander in any way. :)

I see your point on the Morningstar. Perhabs a bit of rotation and some motion blur might have improved it a bit.

(I would also be interested using the original meshes from the 3D archive for stuff like that, assuming there is a way to render the textures in modern day 3D programs.)
I think this had better not be the last one.. I'd love to see even more flybys from fighters. like this was part of a military parade or something. you are on the right track I wouldn't mind seeing what you come up with with the onboard ship sprites (all the characters too) maybe we could do voice overs? :P
I think this had better not be the last one.. I'd love to see even more flybys from fighters. like this was part of a military parade or something. you are on the right track I wouldn't mind seeing what you come up with with the onboard ship sprites (all the characters too) maybe we could do voice overs? :p

I hate the Cod Series for a Long time... but Infinite Warfare was the first CoD I like to Play. And the first cool Scene..
this in Wing Commander or Star Citizen :) WOW !
I hate the Cod Series for a Long time... but Infinite Warfare was the first CoD I like to Play. And the first cool Scene..
this in Wing Commander or Star Citizen :) WOW !
Hey, wow. That does look more interesting than the usual CoD fare. I've more or less tuned CoD out of my awareness after Modern Warfare (which was great) when it became clear that the series is just an ever-growing fireworks display with no gameplay. But this... even if it turns out there's as little gameplay as usual, it looks like it might be worth checking out. That having been said, the setting and the storyline looks like the usual, which is not very exciting at all.
With some Spoilers is a side Mission not a main campaign mission

Steam Reviews are pretty bad. My Review was :

"Why all the hate?? Do you want all the time Modern Warfare or WW2?

I want to see a second part with more Control of the fighter and a choice about Fighters, Bombers, Patrolfighters and I buy the next one on Day 1!"
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With some Spoilers is a side Mission not a main campaign mission

Steam Reviews are pretty bad. My Review was :

"Why all the hate?? Do you want all the time Modern Warfare or WW2?

I want to see a second part with more Control of the fighter and a choice about Fighters, Bombers, Patrolfighters and I buy the next one on Day 1!"
Space combat is finally getting some love back. :-)
Space combat is finally getting some love back. :)
Yeah, just look at those reviews ;).

Seriously (and I do wonder, why exactly are we discussing this in this particular thread? :p), without having played the game, I can't form an opinion on the quality of the game as such. But I think there are two points that can be argued here.

Firstly, the hate against Infinite Warfare is perfectly reasonable and justified. I mean, (answering @Deathsnake's question), why shouldn't Call of Duty fans want modern warfare or WWII all the time? Did Wing Commander fans ever secretly crave for a 22nd century WC game, or a 30th century WC game? Such a title would probably be welcomed as a curious spinoff - but few fans would have ever appreciated a total transition away from the setting most characteristic of the series. Now, if you look at how CoD fans have behaved, they've actually been really tolerant. They didn't complain at all about Black Ops 2. Few complained about Black Ops 3, and Ghosts, and even Advanced Warfare or whatever it was called. But then you get Infinite Warfare, which comes not only with an excessively futuristic setting and space ships, but also the promise of being the first game in a series. The hate stems simply from the fact that at some point, CoD fans are entitled to say that hey, enough is enough, give us our franchise back. And those of us standing on the sidelines can laugh at this, or point out that CoD has never really been a proper franchise since there was never any continuity between the games in the first place, and all that. But whatever logic might dictate, on an emotional level I can understand the frustration of waiting for your favourite WWII series to finally return to WWII (or even just to modern times, since MW was well accepted by players), and rejecting anything else that comes along, even if it's actually good.

Secondly, though, Infinite Warfare simply comes at the wrong time. No, space combat is not getting any love back. It's the domain of a tiny, tiny group of fans - just look at the numbers behind Star Citizen. It's a drop in the ocean of players. And if you think about it, the particular setting of Infinite Warfare is a throwback to the 1990s - hey, it's the bright and shiny future, when mankind joyfully spreads through the universe, held back only by a small group of malcontents. Remember, the days when This was a setting that would have resonated greatly in the optimistic and buoyant 90s, but today? Particularly the second decade of the 21st century has been characterised by increasing pessimism about the future.
Thanks to all of you for you compliments, suggestions and also for the coverage on the homepage. I'm happy that my short is received so well.

I think this had better not be the last one.. I'd love to see even more flybys from fighters. like this was part of a military parade or something. you are on the right track I wouldn't mind seeing what you come up with with the onboard ship sprites (all the characters too) maybe we could do voice overs? :p

A military parade sound like a good idea. I'm already thinking about how I could pull it off. :)